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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation AreaThe Wagon Shop, Millbrook Village NJ
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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Millbrook Village NJ


(908) 841-9531

Season of Operation: Buildings
Spring: Buildings closed
Summer: Buildings open weekends, generally from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend
Fall and Winter: Buildings closed except for special events. (Below)
Specific hours of operation for this year
Season of Operation: Grounds
Grounds open daily dawn to dusk year round. For a map and guide to Millbrook Village, please link to the park's bulletin at right. (pdf)
At the junction of Old Mine Road and Rt. 602 in New Jersey, 12 miles north of Interstate 80 at Exit 1 westbound. Eastbound on Interstate 80, take the first exit (not numbered) in New Jersey after the toll plaza (no toll eastbound) at the Delaware River, and turn hard right at the bottom of the ramp.
Directions from Pennsylvania or via Rt.  Blairstown NJ
Most historic structures at Millbrook Village are not accessible due to steps and narrow doorways. The restroom building is accessible. The roadbed through Millbrook Village is not paved but is flat and wide as far south as Garis House. Moving through the picnic area just off the roadway would require some assistance. As Millbrook Days (Above) is largely an outdoor events, a number of activities alongside the roadbed can be accessible.

Special Programs
Craft demonstrations and house tours on weekends in summer.
Annual Special Events
Historic Activities Day on a weekday in late May. Open to schools only, not the general public.
Millbrook Days on the first weekend that is fully in October
"Octivities" (autumn activities for children) on a Saturday in October
Victorian Holidays on a weekend in early December
Maple Sugaring on a Saturday in early March
Park Calendar of Events
Spangenburg Cabin, a log cabin near the parking lot, contains exhibits and information.
Available Services
Restrooms, water, parking; hiking trails nearby.
A yellowed stack of small papers and a spindle on a large accounts book
Park Bulletin:
Millbrook Village Map & Guide
a mountain outcrop shaped like a human profile looking to the right
Park Bulletin:
Hike the Gap/New Jersey/Tammany
A ranger taking a sample of water from a creek  

Did You Know?
... that the Middle Delaware River exceeds ordinary federal standards for clean water. Because of this, special higher standards have been set for the river, so it does not "deteriorate" to being just "clean enough." The river in this park is, and will remain, truly "cleaner than clean."

Last Updated: September 03, 2008 at 13:31 EST