GPRA - GGD-96-118

Executive Guide: Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act

  • [TEXT] [PDF] Executive Guide: Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act (Other Written Prod., 06/01/96, GAO/GGD-96-118).

    GAO published an executive guide on implementing the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). GAO noted that: (1) GPRA forces federal agencies to focus on their missions and goals, how to achieve them, and how to improve their structural organizations and business processes; (2) agencies must define their missions and desired outcomes, use strategic planning, involve stakeholders, assess their environments, and align their activities, core processes, and resources to support mission-related outcomes; (3) agencies need to measure their performance to ensure that they are meeting their goals and making informed decisions; (4) performance measures need to be based on program-related characteristics and performance data must be sufficiently complete, accurate, and consistent; (5) agencies must use performance data to improve organizational processes, identify performance gaps, and set improvement goals; and (6) GPRA success depends on strong leadership practices that devolve decisionmaking authority with accountability, create incentives, build expertise, and integrate management reforms.


This page was last updated April 29, 2003