

Virgin Islands University Center
for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

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Let's PULL together to assist individuals with disabilities
become more independent within their community.

MISSION         PRINCIPLES         GOALS       




The VIUCEDD was established in October, 1994 to enhance the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and their families and to provide them with the tools necessary to lead productive lives in the community. VIUCEDD also serves as a facilitator for training, connecting organizations with appropriate, qualified local and stateside trainers.

Here are the VIUCEDD staff members.



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Assistive Technology Program - Resource Center
A program to promote awareness of the potential of assistive technology (AT) to increase the independence, productivity, and community integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace, classroom, and home. Services include training, linking people with online resources, and demonstration of devices.

A quarterly periodical produced by the VIUAP

Master’s Degree in Assistive Technology
A MA Degree program at UVI to prepare professionals to assess individuals’ needs for AT and to function as interdisciplinary team leaders to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Program
Certificate and Associate Degree Programs at UVI designed to improve the quality of child care, to upgrade the knowledge and skills of child care providers and professionals, and to ensure the availability of quality inclusive programs.

Partners in Policy-Making
A training program which provides information, training, and skill building to individuals with disabilities and/or their family members enabling them to advocate for and obtain necessary services and supports.

American Sign Language Interpreters Training
A training program in American Sign Language which trains individuals to assist persons who are deaf or hearing impaired.

School Inclusion Project
A “train-the-trainer” model project utilizing school-based teams to plan for and implement inclusionary programs within the school.

Positive Behavioral Supports Project
A “train-the-trainer” model project utilizing school-based teams to plan for and implement positive strategies that support behavior change within the school.

Technical Assistance
VIUAP provides technical assistance and consultation to community groups serving people with disabilities to assist them in building strong, effective organizations and in planning and implementing services.

Inservice Training
Workshops provided in the following areas upon request:
Assistive Technology
Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education
Positive Behavioral Supports in the Classroom
Sensitivity and Awareness Issues Related to Disabilities
Service Coordination
Working with Families

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Frederick Rock | frock@uvi.edu