
July 28, 2008
One more proposed King County Charter amendment placed on November ballot
“Sometimes government is the least suited institution to bring about necessary reforms. We must keep the initiative process open and accessible so everyday citizens can continue to have influence in local government.”

July 10, 2008
Council Republicans call for repeal of Critical Area Ordinance’s rural area clearing limits
“A roll back will spare the county a costly appeal while restoring the rights of rural residents.”

July 7, 2008
Council calls for extension of regional jail contract and joint strategy with cities on future jail needs
“Critical issues to our community like those we face with criminal justice cannot be solved without a partnership between regional leaders. Today’s action by the Council highlights the importance of engaging in a continued partnership between the County and its suburban cities to solve our region’s biggest challenges.”

July 7, 2008
County Council Republicans hail court reversal of Critical Areas Ordinance
“These restrictions were akin to cracking down on speeders by banning car engines. The law failed to take into account the uniqueness of individual properties, but instead blindly applied blanket standards that hurt property owners without showing any the benefit to the environment.”

June 4, 2008
Council expresses condolences on the passing of former King County Councilmember Ruby Chow
“Ruby was a trailblazer and a pacesetter in King County. Throughout her life she was a strong advocate for the Asian American community. As a member of the Council, Ruby was always there for her constituents and for the citizens of King County. She was the political godmother for many aspiring political leaders who followed her.”

June 3, 2008
Proposed amendments to King County Charter to be examined at Council Town Hall in Federal Way on June 16
“Town Hall meetings provide an opportunity for the public to come face to face with their elected County Councilmembers outside the courthouse and inside the neighborhoods which they represent. I hope that the residents of South King County take this opportunity to attend the upcoming Town Hall meeting in Federal Way and let their voices be heard on this important charter review process.”

June 2, 2008
Twelve amendments to County Charter put before King County Council for ballot consideration
“The charter review process in an important practice in our county and there are major issues being dealt with in these twelve proposed amendments from the Charter Review Commission. I look forward to hearing feedback from County residents and I hope that many take the opportunity to attend our upcoming Town Hall meeting in Federal Way to let their voices be heard.”

March 24, 2008
More bus service on major routes throughout the county thanks to new transit partnerships
“Congestion relief must be the top concern for all regional governments around the transportation-challenged Puget Sound area. Today’s approval of the ‘Transit Now’ agreements marks a positive step in our continued efforts to provide regional traffic congestion relief through increased transportation options out of our busiest urban corridors.”

Feb. 10, 2008
"Protect vulnerable floodplains"  --Seattle Times OpEd
"The Katrina disaster serves as a lasting reminder that government must make emergency preparedness a top priority, and that local governments must be better prepared to take responsibility in protecting the people we serve."

Jan. 18, 2008
Father Peter Hylebos honored by naming of seventh floor in King County’s Chinook Building
“With the naming of the Chinook Building’s seventh floor, the name Hylebos will now become familiar to all who live in King County. This dedication will ensure the legacy of peace and service left by Father Hylebos lives on.”

Jan. 7, 2008
Human services, public health highlight King County’s 2008 State Legislative Agenda
“Looking ahead to 2008, the three most significant issues facing our region will be transportation, transportation and transportation. It is critical that King County receives support from both the state and federal government in addressing this paramount issue.”

Nov. 19, 2007
King County Council adopts 2008 budget that respects property tax limits of I-747
The Metropolitan King County Council today unanimously adopted a $4.9 billion budget that responds to the priorities voiced by citizens earlier this year to ensure public trust, enhance quality of life, and protect public health and safety. The budget stays within the property tax limits of Initiative 747, despite the recent invalidation of the measure by the state Supreme Court.

Nov. 16, 2007
von Reichbauer leads effort to bring issue of graffiti vandalism to light
This week Metropolitan King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer led an effort to increase awareness on the issue of graffiti vandalism in King County and build consensus towards a comprehensive solution. On Wednesday von Reichbauer along with fellow members of the King County Regional Policy Committee took part in a tour of a major graffiti vandalism site in South King County led by an undercover detective from the City of Kent.

Nov. 13, 2007
Flood Control Zone District adopts work plan and funding to prevent Katrina-like flood disasters
The threat of catastrophic flooding and economic disaster like that seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was addressed today by the King County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors with adoption of a 2008 work plan and budget that funds a program to rebuild and maintain King County's aging system of 500 levees and hardened embankments that protect residents, businesses, public infrastructure and roads.

Oct. 22, 2007
Council approves new Professional Standards Division in the King County Sheriff’s Office
The Metropolitan King County Council today passed an ordinance allowing the creation of a new Professional Standards Division in the King County Sheriff’s Office. This new division would consolidate and manage all departmental functions related to the hiring, training, discipline, and development of department personnel.

Oct. 8, 2007
Council creates advisory panel to conduct review of King County Investment Pool
To help ensure the continued prudent investing of public funds, the Metropolitan King County Council today created an advisory panel with three members to be named to conduct a comprehensive review of the $4 billion King County Investment Pool.

Oct. 8, 2007
Council calls for urgent reforms at King County animal shelters, or an end to shelter service
The Metropolitan King County Council today called on the County Executive to enact immediate reforms to protect the animals in the custody of King County’s two animal shelters, as well as consider the possibility of getting out of the business of providing shelter services.

Oct. 8, 2007
Council accepts action plan to divert mentally ill and drug dependent from jails and emergency rooms
A statewide effort to divert people suffering from mental illnesses and chemical dependency away from jails and emergency rooms and get them into proper treatment moved a step forward today as the Metropolitan King County Council accepted the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Action Plan.

Oct. 8, 2007
County Council finds good homes for “retired” County vans
Instead of heading to the used car lot, retired Metro Transit vanpool vans will be used to increase transportation options for local governments and non-profit organizations throughout King County. The Metropolitan King County Council today approved the donation of the 25 vehicles through the King County Vanpool Program.

Sept. 24, 2007
White Center Park renamed in honor of King County Sheriff’s deputy Steve Cox
The Metropolitan King County Council today voted unanimously to rename White Center Park as “Steve Cox Memorial Park” in honor of fallen Deputy Steve Cox.