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Oct. 22, 2007

Council approves new Professional Standards Division in the King County Sheriff’s Office

New division emphasizes greater accountability as called for by the Sheriff’s Blue Ribbon Panel

The Metropolitan King County Council today passed an ordinance allowing the creation of a new Professional Standards Division in the King County Sheriff’s Office. This new division would consolidate and manage all departmental functions related to the hiring, training, discipline, and development of department personnel.

“Today’s action is a great step toward better oversight and accountability in the Sheriff’s Office,” said Councilmember Larry Phillips, co-sponsor of the ordinance. “This was a key recommendation of the Sheriff’s Blue Ribbon Panel, and I applaud Sheriff Rahr for taking a more complete and coordinated approach to personnel matters—particularly disciplining officers. In time, I think citizens will notice increased professionalism in sheriff’s deputies, without seeing an increase in their tax bill.”

“Public safety and security is the primary responsibility of county government, and our Sheriff’s Office, under the direction of Sheriff Sue Rahr, aims to meet the highest standards,” said Councilmember Kathy Lambert, chair of the Council’s Law, Justice and Human Services Committee and co-sponsor of the legislation. “This reorganization will give Sheriff Rahr some new tools needed to reinforce King County’s commitment to meeting the standards of professionalism and accountability established by the Sheriff’s 100-Day Plan and the Blue Ribbon Task Force. I am confident that this system will serve the best interests of both our public safety employees and the public.”

Over the past 18 months the King County Sheriff’s Office has conducted a variety of internal and external reviews, assessments and initiatives related to department performance and management. A common theme throughout has been a recognized need to have systems in place that promote accountability and develop a comprehensive structure for the care, development, disciplining, and management of department personnel.

“Sheriff Rahr and the Council have partnered to create this important new division of the Sheriff’s office to address employee development, discipline and training in a coordinated way,” said Councilmember Bob Ferguson, chair of the Council’s Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee. “Deputies and the taxpayers they serve and protect will all benefit from this organizational reform.”

“This is a major step forward for the Sheriff’s Office. It gives us the infrastructure to manage the organization and properly support our most valuable asset—our employees—as a 21st century law enforcement agency,” said King County Sheriff Sue Rahr. “I am grateful to Councilmembers Phillips and Lambert for their leadership in creating the legislation and to Councilmember Ferguson for his support as the Budget Chair.”

A 10-member Blue Ribbon Panel was created in February 2006 and directed to review the Sheriff’s internal management systems for addressing employee misconduct and make recommendations to the Sheriff on improvements to the accountability system for misconduct and discipline. The Panel presented its findings and recommendations to the Council last year. Among those recommendations was for the Sheriff to, “take primary responsibility for creating, implementing, modeling and sustaining reforms that improve [personnel] accountability.”

The new Professional Standards Division will be under the direction of a civilian chief and would have four units to implement a comprehensive and integrated approach to personnel issues.

“This new division in the Sheriff's Office, headed by a civilian, highly trained in managing and directing personnel, will help to increase accountability both to the citizens of King County and our Sheriff's deputies,” said Councilmember Reagan Dunn. “This is a necessary improvement to a Sheriff's Office already known for good, effective service. I applaud Sheriff Rahr for presenting this plan to the King County Council.”

“The creation of a Professional Standards Division will bring together many recent initiatives to improve training, discipline, and accountability within the Sheriff’s Office,” said Councilmember Dow Constantine, “This coordinated personnel management system will benefit both our deputies and the people they serve.”

“Maintaining public trust in law enforcement is critical to our institutional mission, and will support the work of the dedicated officers who serve our community,” said King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer. “The new professional Standards Division in the King County Sheriff’s Office will help strengthen that public trust, and I commend Sheriff Rahr for her work to bring this new Division forward.”

Read more about this legislation on the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system. Type in “2007-0481”