National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 1.1.6A. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1937) Dollars
[Billions of chained (1937) dollars]
Today is: 9/20/2008   Last Revised on March 19, 2004  

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Line      1943       1944       1945       1946       1947   
1      Gross domestic product168.5182.2180.1160.3158.8
2Personal consumption expenditures78.680.985.996.498.2
3   Durable goods4.
4   Nondurable goods44.045.849.051.750.3
5   Services30.
6Gross private domestic investment5.56.88.923.022.1
7   Fixed investment5.
8      Nonresidential4.
9         Structures1.
10         Equipment and software3.
11      Residential1.
12   Change in private inventories-0.7-0.9-1.65.1-0.7
13Net exports of goods and services-1.9-1.9-
14   Exports2.
15      Goods2.
16      Services0.
17   Imports4.
18      Goods2.
19      Services1.
20Government consumption expenditures
    and gross investment
21   Federal86.698.884.922.916.9
22      National defense84.296.182.819.813.4
23      Nondefense2.
24   State and local6.

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