Saturday, September 20, 2008, 6:06AM ET - U.S. Markets Closed.

Big Players Remake the Financial World-

In a historic week, five men helped give the U.S. financial system its biggest makeover since the 1930s...» Read more

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S&P 5001,255.08+48.57+4.03%
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Fri 4:30pm ET-
The Dow closed nearly 370 points higher Friday, marking the end of a volatile week. The Dow registered triple-digit swings during each of the week's...

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News and Opinion Column

Congress, administration craft financial rescue- AP

Faltering financial institutions whose toxic assets have brought markets to the brink of catastrophe could unload their bad debt on the government, and in turn the taxpayer, under a half-trillion dollar bailout being crafted by the Bush administration and Congress.

Personal Finance

What Billionaires Are Saying About the Wall Street Crisis
What Billionaires Are Saying About the Wall Street Crisis

Talking heads, pandering candidates and economists have weighed in on recent economic turmoil. Now, a word from some of the world's most savvy entrepreneurs and financiers...

Expert Opinion

Laura Rowley
The Financial Crisis: Getting to the Roots- Laura Rowley

The root of the current crisis is a cocktail of debt with a chaser of pathological optimism. Many Americans got drunk on both.

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Special Features

Pain Spreads as Credit Grows Tighter-

An economy propelled by easy credit for more than a decade is fraying rapidly. American Express, for example, is reducing the maximum credit limit for half of its tens of millions of cardholders. And they're not alone...

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