

The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) works to evaluate, validate and uniformly communicate the impact of social problem volunteering. As a knowledge leader in the volunteer research sector, the Points of Light Foundation works with corporations, private foundations, government agencies and community-based and national nonprofits to conduct research on social problem volunteering and to determine the impact of volunteer programs.

To receive more information and sign up for our quarterly OPRE e-newsletter, please contact Research& or (202) 729-8192.

What's New in our Research and Evaluation
  • Calculating the Economic Impact of Volunteers
    The Economic Impact Of Volunteers Calculator estimates the appropriate wage rate for volunteer time based on what the person does, the value of specific tasks according to market conditions as reported by the US Department of Labor.
  • Measuring Volunteering Committee Report PDF Document 181 KB
    This report summarizes the findings from the discussions at the meeting hosted by the Points of Light Foundation on March 15, 2006. Many of the leading scholars who study volunteering, and leading practioners who are consumers of such research attended the meeting to examine the finding by Chris Toppe, Senior Social Scientist at the Points of Light Foundation, that current research methodologies underestimate volunteering.
  • The Principles of Excellence: An Employee Volunteer Program Assessment
    The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network, working with a committee of its business members, created the The Principles of Excellence: An Employee Volunteer Program Assessment to establish a set of standards for effective and sustainable employee volunteer programs (EVP). The Principles has been used by hundreds of businesses and corporations as guidelines they could use in shaping their EVPs. Further, these Principles have served as the criteria for the Points of Light's Awards for Excellence in Workplace Volunteer Programs, a prestigious award that attracts dozens of nominations annually. The Principles of Excellence have become widely accepted as a national standard, and the Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network have created an online tool that allows organizations to visually assess their progress against this standard.
  • Volunteering in Under-Resourced Rural Communities Final Report PDF Document 1.92 MB
    Findings from our rural study underscored the need for a greater focus on mobilizing low-income volunteers as equal partners in addressing the intractable social and economic challenges faced by rural families and communities today. The study brought to light the uniquely rural conditions that affect volunteer management and highlighted the need for a strategic and intentional approach to volunteer engagement. Our explorations also helped identify critical challenges that prevent participation and uncover effective strategies in engaging and empowering rural residents.

  • Report on the State of Volunteer Centers in 2003: Based on the 2004 Volunteer Center Survey PDF Document 834 KB
    This report continues a series begun in 1993 by the Points of Light Foundation to survey Volunteer Centers in the United States. Historically, the goal of the these surveys has been to obtain and share information about Volunteer Centers and to provide an internal yardstick or benchmark for informal comparisons by individual Volunteer Centers every two years.

  • Extraordinary Need, Extraordinary Response - Volunteer Centers Respond to the 2004 Hurricanes PDF Document 800 KB
    In 2004, Volunteer Centers played a significant role in addressing the needs of local communities devastated by Hurricanes Charley, Francis, Ivan, and Jeanne. Volunteer Centers comprise the largest national infrastructure dedicated to volunteering and volunteer efforts, connecting two million people with more than a million volunteer opportunities annually; working in partnership with more than 75,000 organizations; and training more than 150,000 individuals a year. More than 140 million people (the majority of the U.S. population) live the thousands of communities served by more than 330 local Volunteer Centers.

  • Love Thy Neighbor: The Role of Faith in Volunteer Motivation PDF Document 320 KB
    The Points of Light Foundation has issued more than 1,100 Daily Point of Light Awards since 1998 and more than 150 President's Community Volunteer Awards since 1992 to individuals, groups, and organizations across the country. This study assesses the motivations of awardees and the role of faith in their motivations, using quantitative and qualitative survey methods.

  • The Points of Light Foundation Announces State Volunteering Rates
    (September 13, 2004)

  • A Friendly Atmosphere for Your Volunteers PDF Document 1.27 MB
    Provides a background on management techniques that promote volunteer friendliness.

  • The State of Knowledge Surrounding Employee Volunteering in the United States PDF Document 1.30 MB
    Intends to provide a critical synopsis of the state of knowledge surrounding employee volunteer programs in the U.S.

  • Points of Light Foundation Strategic Plan Constituent Survey and Data Analysis & 2003 National Conference Focus Group Input PDF Document 7.21 MB
    In the spring and summer of 2003, in an effort to better understand how constituents of the Points of Light Foundation feel about issues that impact the volunteering sector, and how the Foundation is doing at addressing these issues, a survey and set of focus groups were developed to help inform the Foundation's work. The focus groups were conducted at the National Conference on Community Volunteering and National Service held in Baltimore, Maryland, and the survey was sent via email through the Foundation's member database.

  • Points of Light Foundation Survey of Community Ministries Data Analysis Report PDF Document 7.47 MB
    Interfaith Community Ministries are a lead partner in one of the many components of the Points of Light Foundation's faith effort. In order to help the Foundation better understand the needs of Community Ministries and how it better serve them, 785 surveys were sent by mail in mid September 2003.

  • Points of Light Foundation Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2004 - 2009 PDF Document 448 KB
    Provides an historic perspective of the Points of Light Foundation and a view of its future, combined in a strategic plan for fiscal years 2004 to 2009; outlines key assumptions that influence the plan; the strategic vision and mission; and key goals; also includes the Foundation's Statement of Values; a description of its program portfolio; an overview of the planning process used to create the plan; pertinent evaluation processes; and sources of funds for the Foundation's work.

Observations from the Volunteering Front Line
A series of research briefing from the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation published quarterly. These one-page reports are intended to inform the field about the most recent trend in volunteering.

Findings from the Field
A new series of research briefings from the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation that will be published monthly. These one-page reports are intended to summarize and highlight the most recent research findings in the volunteering field.

  • June 2005 Vol. I, No 2 PDF Document 6.7 MB
    Highlights from Motivations for Volunteering with Youth-Oriented Programs; and Volunteering in Under-Resourced Rural Communities Final Report

  • Premier Issue: April 2005 Vol. I, No 1 PDF Document 110 KB
    Research highlights from Thrivent Study -- Why People Volunteer; America Gives -- Survey of Americans' Giving and Volunteering after September 11; and Volunteering in Singapore

Other Reports

Early Points of Light Foundation Reports