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Renewable Energy Conversion
Photovoltaic Land Area Estimator
Wind Power Land Area Estimator
Renewable Energy Growth Estimator


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PV Area Calculator

This calculator uses assumptions about land area requirements for photovoltaic systems to estimates total land area requirements for a system of a given size after subtracting the portion of PV that may be placed on rooftops of buildings.

Area per kW
Rooftop density
(Fraction of PV panels that are placed on rooftops)
Land density
(Fraction of surface that can be covered by PV panels)
Result: 1,000 kW of photovoltaics is estimated to require 6.4 acres.
This calculation assumes a generating capacity of 1,000 kW, where each kW requires an average of 0.004 acres per kW, and that the first 20% of this capacity is placed on rooftops, and further that the remaining capacity is placed on land where the photovoltaic panels can cover 50% of the land area.


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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,
operated by Midwest Research Institute • Battelle
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