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CSREES-sponsored National CYFAR Conference Focused on Needs of At-Risk Youth

A CSREES sponsored conference addressing poverty, violence, food insecurity, poor healthcare and deficient education for youth in America attracted over 800 participants to Boston, MA, in the spring of 2005.

The annual Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) conference was held May 25-27 at the Boston Seaport Hotel/World Trade Center. The conference attracted adults who work with audiences in urban, suburban, and rural settings, address risk issues for children, youth and families, and bring technology into communities where there are limited resources and growing needs.

“With 25 percent of adolescents in the United States at serious risk of not achieving productive adulthood, professionals must address these issues to build families and communities in which children and youth lead positive, secure and happy lives,” said Sherri Wright, CSREES national program leader and CYFAR program manager. “Our goal is to help children and youth develop the skills, knowledge and competencies needed to have successful adult lives.”

The 2005 CYFAR Conference program (PDF) contains a variety of conference presentations, workshop activity materials, and speeches. The conference proceedings, including handouts and presentation slides from workshops, computer labs, and seminars, are available on CYFERnet. More information including streaming video of the keynote presentations will be added in the future.

The CYFAR program focuses on children whose fundamental needs of safety, shelter, food and care are at immediate risk for not being met. Through CYFAR, CSREES makes a commitment to supporting programs for at-risk youth and limited resource families as a part of the educational outreach mission of the Land-Grant University System.

The 2006 CYFAR conference will be held May 16-19 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA. Mark your calendars and save the dates.

Last Updated: 08/10/2006