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Welcome to the Rings Node's ROSES 2008 NRA Support Page



This page is intended to assist proposers to the rings related programs in the ROSES 2008 NRA.

The full solicitation can be accessed at ROSES 2008


The Rings Related Research Programs


The tabs associated with this page identify PDS nodes with data holdings relevant to each of the indicated programs, provide links to relevant pages within the PDS, and access to the data.

NOTE: Research proposals addressing the 2007/2008 Uranus Ring Plane Crossing may fall within the scope of several separate programs, including (but necessarily limited to) OPR, Planetary Astronomy, Planetary Atmospheres and Planetary Geology and Geophysics. Of these programs, only OPR and PG&G are represented in these pages.

Since several of the programs include encouragement or requirements to archive the results of the proposed research, the last tab gives information and links to assist with archive planning and incorporating archive planning in proposals.

The following table gives the key dates for each of the NRAs supported by these pages. The links are to the respective Rings Node support pages (same destinations as the tabs at the top of the page).

Program Appendix NOI Due Proposal Due
Cassini DAP (CDAP) C.10 4/4/08 5/30/08
Jupiter DAP (JDAP) C.9 3/20/08 5/15/08
Outer Planets Research (OPR) C.7 8/29/08 10/31/08
Planetary Geology and Geophysics (PG&G)* C.4 3/21/08 5/16/08
Planetary Mission DAP (PMDAP)** C.11 6/6/08 8/15/08

* PG&G. For rings studies, data sources eligible for PG&G, are those eligible for the OPR NRA (although PG&G has a much earlier data availability cut off date than OPR). As a consequence, please see our OPR support page for information about, and links to available data.

** PMDAP. While most opportunities for rings specific data analysis are covered by the programs addressed in the tabs to this page, PMDAP affords a unique opportunity for ring scientists to propose for the restoration of publically available data sets. Individuals or teams interested in pursuing this opportunity should contact us early for assistence in identifying and obtaining eligible data, or determining the PDS compliance requirements for the completed deliverables.


Additional PDS Support

Links to other PDS web sites supporting portions of ROSES 2008 can be found here .

Rings Node Home
Keywords for Rings Node internal indexing: roses, roses 2008, cassini data analysis program, cassini dap, cdap, jupiter data analysis program, jupiter dap, jdap, outer planets research program, opr, planetary geology and geophysics, pg&g, planetary mission data analysis, planetary mission data analysis program, pmdap