Export Trade Certificate of Review


ACTION: Notice of Revocation of Export Trade Certificate of Review

Application No. 90-00004.




SUMMARY: The Secretary of Commerce issued an Export Trade Certificate

of Review to Dimick International & Associates on May 15, 1990. Because

this Certificate Holder has failed to file an annual report as required

by law, the Secretary is revoking the certificate. This notice

summarizes the notification letter sent to Dimick International &



FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeffrey Anspacher, Director, Export

Trading Company Affairs, International Trade Administration, 202/482-

5131. This is not a Toll-free number.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title III of the Export Trading Company Act

of 1982 (``The Act'') (Pub. L. 97-290, 15 U.S.C. 4011-21) Authorizes

the Secretary of Commerce to Issue Export Trade Certificates of Review.

The Regulations Implementing Title III (``the Regulations'') are found

at 15 CFR part 325 (1999). Pursuant to this Authority, a Certificate of

Review was issued on May 15, 1990 to Dimick International & Associates.

    A Certificate Holder is required by law to submit to the Secretary

of Commerce Annual Reports that update financial and other information

relating to business activities covered by its Certificate (Section 308

of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 4018, Section 325.14(a) of the Regulations, 15

CFR 325.14(a)). The Annual Report is due within 45 days after the

Anniversary Date of the Issuance of the Certificate of Review (Sections

325.14(b) of the Regulations, 15 CFR 325.14(b)). Failure to submit a

complete Annual Report may be the Basis for Revocation (Sections

325.10(a) and 325.14(c) of the Regulations, 15 CFR 325.10(a)(3) and

325.14(c)). On May 6, 2006, the Secretary of Commerce sent to Dimick

International & Associates a letter containing Annual Report questions

stating that its annual report was due on June 29, 2006. A reminder was

sent on May 31, 2007, with a due date of June 29, 2007. The Secretary

has received no written response from Dimick International & Associates

to any of these letters. On July 6, 2007, and in accordance with

Section 325.10(c)(1) of the Regulations, (15 CFR 325.10(c)(1)), the

Secretary of Commerce sent a letter by Certified Mail to notify Dimick

International & Associates that the Secretary was formally initiating

the process to revoke its Certificate for failure to file an annual

report. The Secretary has received no response from Dimick

International & Associates. Pursuant to Section 325.10(c)(2) of the

Regulations (15 CFR 325.10(c)(2)), the Secretary considers the failure

of Dimick International & Associates to respond to be an admission of

the statements contained in the notification letter. The Secretary has

determined to revoke the Certificate issued to Dimick International &

Associates for its failure to file an annual report. The Secretary has

sent a letter, dated July 20, 2007 to notify the Dimick International &

Associates of its final determination.

    The Revocation is effective thirty (30) days from the date of

publication of this notice (325.10(c)(4) of the Regulations, 15 CFR

325.10(c)). Any person aggrieved by this decision may appeal to an

appropriate U.S. District Court within 30 days from the date of

publication of this notice in the Federal Register ``(325.11 of the

Regulations, 15 CFR 325.11).''


    Dated: July 20, 2007.

Jeffrey Anspacher,

Director, Export Trading Company Affairs.

[FR Doc. E7-14540 Filed 7-26-07; 8:45 am]