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FY 2007 NASA Budget Rollout Briefing
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin and other senior leaders discussed the agency's budget request for Fiscal Year 2007 at a briefing on Feb. 6, 2006. Budget material is available at

CUT 1 – NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Running time: :26
OUT: " ... of space station"
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Transcript of CUT 1:
"What we are trying to do is prioritize our money. In our judgment, before we can effectively utilize space station, we have to get it built. We have only a … we have a reasonably limited number of space shuttle flights with which to do that. We think the number of flights we have available is sufficient to accomplish the completion of space station. "

CUT 2 – NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Running time: :18
OUT: "... very welcome frankly"
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Transcript of CUT 2:
"I would say that in a fiscal environment where domestic non-defense discretionary spending is decreasing at one-half percent, that NASA's overall increase of 3.3 percent is very welcome frankly."

CUT 3 – NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Running time: :xx
OUT: "... with our funding"
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Transcript of CUT 3
"We will make the hard choices necessary to get our desires for the space agency to be consistent with our funding. "

CUT 4 – NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Running time: :xx
OUT: "... to do better"
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Transcript of CUT 4:
"Science and exploration are each paying to help complete our pre-existing obligations to the space station and the space shuttle. And when those obligations are completed, the other major pieces of our portfolio will be able to do better. "

CUT 5 – Scott Horowitz, associate administrator, Exploration Systems
Running time: :33
OUT: "... they can deliver"
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Transcript of CUT 5:
"We have a line there right now that protects the money that we're putting into commercial crew cargo. Right now, of course, you know, we had the announcement here in early January. And we're waiting for the responses here in early March. And based on what we get back from industry and those responses we'll, first of all, lay out our milestone payments that we plan to make. But that budget line isn't going to change for now. When we see the proposals and see the progress they make, then we'll have to revisit ... what are we going to spend on commercial crew cargo. It depends on what they can deliver."

CUT 6 – William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator, Space Operations
Running time: :16
OUT: "... in the sequence"
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Transcript of CUT 6:
"The goal is to minimize the number of flights associated with the assembly and we're going to continue to do that. We're going to try to figure out the most efficient way to put the space station together. To use a minimum number of flights. But, if something unforseen were to happen, that's a major event, we do have some flexibility to accomodate that in the sequence."

CUT 7 – Lisa Porter, associate administrator, Aeronautics Research
Running time: :16
OUT: "... our core disciplines"
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Transcript of CUT 7:
"In the industry sector what we're doing is we're moving away from near-term incremental research and ensuring instead that we pursue the cutting edge and make sure that our industries benefit from a broad committment to the cutting edge across our core disciplines."

CUT 8 – Mary Cleave, associate administrator, Science
Running time: :44
OUT: "... the biggest thing"
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Transcript of CUT 8:
"Our over arching principle was trying to develop an executable program that was balanced, rebalancing the Mars. We were using strategic goals as set by the National Academy decadal plans to help us prioritize. We were trying to keep a balance between small, medium, and large programs. Some programs that had definite programmatic challenges like Sophie will be going into program review, as earlier we put Dawn into review because of programmic issues. Because We have to keep control of these programs. We can't let one program get out of control and hurt anybody else. So that was the biggest thing."