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CDC Flu Prevention Toolkit: Real People. Real Solutions.

This toolkit provides tips on other ways besides vaccination to prevent flu. All materials are available for download and there are instructions for adding additional logos.

Select any of the stories from the toolkit below to find out what real people are doing to protect themselves and others against flu this winter…

Flu Prevention Toolkit It's not too late -- get your flu shot now Talk to your doctor about ways to reduce complications from the flu Talk to your doctor about ways to reduce complications from the flu Protect your family against the flu Staying home when you are sick helps everyone you care about Staying home when you are sick helps everyone you care about Protect your family against the flu

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A.
800–CDC–INFO (800-232-4636), 888–232–6348 (TTY), cdcinfo@cdc.gov

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