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Carbon Cycling and Biosequestration

Report from OBER hosted workshop, March 2008. Outlines findings and highlights opportunities for research on biological aspects of global carbon cycle.


DOE JGI Call for Sequencing Proposals

JGI is soliciting proposals for the Community Sequencing Program related to DOE missions. Letters of intent due Jan 30, 2009.


Soya genome sequenced

Biofuel potential spurs U.S. consortium to map DNA of nutritious bean. December 10, 2008, Nature


Awardee Meeting

Genomics:GTL Awardee meeting will be held Feb 8-11, 2009. Attendance by invitation only. Abstracts due December 8.


USDA and DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement

Departments of Energy and Agriculture have jointly issued a research funding opportunity. Preapplications due Dec. 9, 2008.


USDA and DOE release National Biofuels Action Plan [10/08]

Press Release

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More News and Announcements

Today, scientists have in hand the complete DNA sequences of genomes for many organisms—from microbes to plants to humans. The U.S. Department of Energy's Genomics:GTL program will use the new genomic data and high-throughput technologies for studying the proteins encoded by microbial and plant genomes to explore their amazingly diverse natural capabilities.

Potential Impact Areas

GTL Goal: A Broad Knowledgebase to Support Energy and Environmental Applications

GTL research conducts explorations of microbes and plants at the molecular, cellular, and community levels. The goal is to gain insights about fundamental biological processes and, ultimately, a predictive understanding of how living systems operate. The resulting knowledgebase—all linked through DNA sequence and freely available—will catalyze the translation of science into new technologies for energy and environmental applications.