US Census Bureau
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American Community Survey (ACS)

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  Census > ACS Main > How to Use the Data > ACS Summary File (SF) Technical Documentation

How to Use the Data Main

ACS and Intercensal Population Estimates

Comparing ACS Data to Other Sources

Subject Definitions

Accuracy of the Data

Quality Measures
 >Sample Size:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Coverage Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Response Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Item Allocation Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions

ACS Group Quarters
  » 2006 GQ Data Products

  » ACS 2000 Errata (11/7/02)
  » ACS 2000 Errata (3/25/02)

User Notes
  » ACS 1999 Limitations
  » ACS 2000 Notices

Geography Explanation

Data Products Details

Using Data from the 2006 ACS [PDF]

ACS Summary File
  » Technical Documentation


ACS-Summary File (SF) Technical Documentation

Here is the ACS-SF initial specification, which gives data users an overview of the concepts used in the development of the initial prototype of the ACS-SF.

ACS Initial Summary File Specification [PDF 53k]

Here is the complete set of technical documentation, which provides detailed information and reference materials on how to use the ACS-SF. Chapter 2 of this document, "How to Use the ACS Summary File", can be used as a guide for data users to the ACS-SF and the documentation. New users should review this chapter before using the ACS-SF. It is suggested that ACS-SF users first review all of the documentation before accessing the files on the FTP site.

ACS 2006 Summary File: Technical Documentation (Production) [PDF 1168k]
ACS 2005 Summary File: Technical Documentation (Prototype) [PDF 775k]

Here is an example of how to access one estimate and Margin or Error from one table for one area from the ACS summary file.

ACS 2006 SF Worked Example (Production) [PDF 34k]
ACS 2005 SF Worked Example [PDF 16k]

We encourage data users to provide comments or questions on this production version and the documentation to help us further improve the design and future implementations of the ACS-SF. Please send any comments or questions that you have via email to: Throughout 2008 we may issue updates and corrections to this production version of the ACS-SF. We will keep users aware of these updates via the ACS Alert from the ACS website and on the ACS errata page located on:


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: September 15, 2008