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The National Primary Drinking Water
Regulation for Arsenic

July 12, 2001 - Letter to Dr. James Reisa, Director, Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research Council regarding the scientific integrity procedures and the Arsenic Update Subcommittee.

June 19, 2001 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Alberts, President, The National Academy of Sciences regarding the conflict of interest/bias disclosure concerning the Arsenic Update Subcommittee.

May 21, 2001 - Testimony of Kevin Bromberg, Assistance Chief Counsel, Environmental Policy, Office of Advocacy before the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Subcommittee to Update the 1999 NRC Arsenic Review.

May 16,2001 - Letter to Board Members, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences on the provisional appointment to the Subcommittee to update the 1999 Arsenic in Drinking Water Report.

March 27, 2001 - Letter to Christine Todd Whitman, , Administrator, EPA regarding the review of the Arsenic Safe Drinking Water Standard.

March 23, 2001 [text] or [PDF File] - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring; Delay of Effective Date, published in the Federal Register.

January 22, 2001 [text] - Final rule, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring, published in the Federal Register.

June 22, 2000 - Proposed rule, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring, published in the Federal Register.

May 2000 - Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Fact Sheet, "Proposed Revision to Arsenic Drinking Water Standard".

May 3, 2000 - Memorandum to John Spotila, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, regarding the Draft Arsenic Proposal under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

May 3, 2000 - Advocacy Staff Document regarding the draft Arsenic Proposal under the Safe Drinking Water Act ; EPA risk analysis underestimates range of uncertainty and likely exaggerates risk.

June 4, 1999 [html], [text] or [PDF File] - Report of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on EPA's Planned Proposal of The National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic.

June 4, 1999 - Letter to Carol M. Browner, Administrator, EPA, transmittal of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel Report convened for the EPA's rulemaking on the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic.

December 3, 1998 - Letter to Thomas E. Kelly, EPA, in response to notification letter regarding: National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic; SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Panels

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