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Interior 2001 Budget Appropriations for DOI Bureaus as of House Floor Action

(in thousands of dollars)

  Change from
Change from
2000 Est.
Bureau of Land Management 1,231,402   1,358,955   1,267,120   -91,835 -6.8% +35,718 +2.9%
Minerals Management Service 116,318   140,246 2 133,318   -6,928 -4.9% +17,000 +14.6%
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement 291,733   309,234   295,626   -13,608 -4.4% +3,893 +1.3%
U.S. Geological Survey 813,376   895,379   816,676   -78,703 -8.8% +3,300 +.4%
Fish and Wildlife Service 875,093 5 1,126,601   861,921   -264,680 -23.5% -13,172 -1.5%
National Park Service 1,803,847 6 2,042,285   1,808,424 8 -233,861 -11.5% +4,577 +.3%
Bureau of Indian Affairs 1,869,052   2,200,956   1,880,861   -320,095 -14.5% +11,809 +.6%
Departmental Offices:
Departmental Management 62,706 7 64,469   62,406   -2,063 -3.2% -300 -.5%
Insular Affairs 90,482 3 94,436   90,216   -4,220 -4.5% -266 -.3%
Office of the Solicitor 40,196   43,952   40,196   -3,756 -8.5% 0 0
Office of the Inspector General 26,086   28,859   26,086   -2,773 -9.6% 0 0
Office of Special Trustee for American Indians 95,025   95,129   87,428   -7,701 -8.1% -7,597 -8.%
Natural Resource Damage Assessment & Restoration 5,374   5,403   5,374   -29 -.5% 0 0
Departmental Offices 319,869   332,248   311,706   -20,542 -6.2% -8,163 -2.6%
Priority Land Acquisition and Maintenance 116,500                  
Bureau of Reclamation 767,973   801,033   730,528 4 -70,505 -8.8% -37,445 -4.9%
Central Utah Project Completion Act 39,233   39,940   39,940 4 0 0 +707 +1.8%
Adjustments for Mandatory Current Accounts -57,420   -62,840   -57,420   +5,420 -8.6% 0 0
Adjustment for Discretionary Offsets/Disc. Perms. -43,146   -37,078   -37,078   0 0 +6,068 -14.1%
Total Net Discretionary BA 8,143,830   9,146,959   8,051,622   -1,095,337 -12.% -92,208 -1.1%
Total Current BA 8,244,396   9,246,877   8,146,120   -1,100,757 -11.9% -98,276 -1.2%
Total Current BA: Interior & Rel. Agencies Approps. 7,437,190   8,405,904   7,375,652   -1,030,252 -12.3% -61,538 -.8%
  1. Generally, this table reflects the scoring/display of the President's budget request by the Congress.
  2. Does not include $10 million in offsetting fees proposed in President's budget.
  3. Does not include scoring of American Samoa Loan -- $3.096 million subsidy estimate.
  4. Estimated House Subcommittee mark.
  5. Does not include transfer in of $1.25 million.
  6. Does not include transfer in of $4.974 million.
  7. Does not include Y2K font size="-2"plemental funds of $3.319 million.
  8. Does not include $2.0 million appropriated toU.S. Forest Service for Cat Island acquisition.
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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy, Management and Budget
Office of Budget
Department of the Interior