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Fiscal Year 2001 DOI Bureau Budget Request

Actual and Estimated FTE usage
[Amounts in brackets are non-adds]
  Actual Estimated
Bureau/Office FY1999 FY2000 FY2001
Land Management 9,841 10,000 10,250
Wildland Fire in BLM estimates [1,711] [1,850] [1,850]
Minerals Management 1,745 1,760 1,765
Surface Mining 645 647 650
Reclamation 5,786 5,634 5,634
Geological Survey 9,482 9,476 9,502
Fish and Wildlife 8,117 8,386 8,550
Wildland Fire included in FWS estimates [246] [300] [300]
National Parks 19,918 20,155 20,450
Wildland Fire included in NPS estimates [476] [525] [525]
Indian Affairs 9,343 9,541 10,137
Wildland Fire included in BIA estimates [435] [475] [475]
Departmental Offices
Departmental Management 586 638 649
Wildland Fire included in DM estimates [2] [2] [2]
CUPCA 5 5 5
National Business Center 482 751 751
Insular Affairs 29 32 34
Solicitor 378 390 390
Inspector General 238 265 275
Office of Special Trustee 312 346 366
Natural Resource Damage Assessment 3 3 3
Indian Gaming Commission 47 65 70
Interior Total 66,956 68,094 69,481
Utah Mitigation Commission 13 13 13
Combined Total 66,969 68,107 69,494
Wildland Fire total included in Interior Total [2,870] [3,152] [3,152]

FY 1999 column does not add due to rounding.

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy, Management and Budget
Office of Budget
Department of the Interior