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What's New at

Business Management and Wildland Fire?

DOI 2008 Business Integration Conference

We are pleased to announce the 2008 DOI Business Integration Conference, per the Assistant Secretary of Business Management and Wildland Fire Memo (1/31/08). This year's conference will be held March 31st through April 3rd, 2008, at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland.


FY 2009 Budget in Brief
The FY 2009 Budget in Brief document summarizes and highlights the programs of the Department of the Interior and its FY 2009 President's budget request. The FY 2009 President's budget request aligns with the new strategic plan's four strategic mission components: Resource Protection, Resource Use, Recreation, and Serving Communities.


FY 2007 PAR Highlights Report

The FY 2007 PAR Highlights Report provides a brief summary of the accomplishments of the Department of the Interior.


FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR)

The FY 2007 PAR provides important financial and performance information for the Department of the Interior.  It is our principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us.  For the eleventh straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unqualified) opinion from an independent auditing firm. In FY 2007, DOI has no material weaknesses and completed the PAR in 43 days. FY 2007 PAR Celebration Photos


National Fire Plan Performance Update

As the fourth year of the National Fire Plan implementation comes to a close, success was once again realized in all key areas. The National Fire Plan Performance Update describes how, under the President's Healthy Forests Initiative and the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, the Departments of Agriculture and Interior are making progress to reduce the risks of catastrophic wildland fire.

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Stewardship for America with Integrity and Excellence

U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy, Management and Budget

Last Updated on 03/13/08