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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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I. Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

Agency human capital strategy is aligned with mission, goals, and organizational objectives and integrated into its strategic plans, performance plans, and budgets.

 Critical Success Factors

Human Capital Focus

Agency designs a coherent framework of human capital policies, programs, and practices to achieve a shared vision integrated with the agency's strategic plan.

Question IconQuestions
  1. Does the agency's strategic plan establish an agency-wide vision that guides human capital planning and investment activities?
  2. Does the agency have a system in place to continually assess and improve human capital planning and investment and its impact on mission accomplishment?
  3. Are managers held accountable for effective implementation of human capital plans and overall human capital management?

Government-wide Human Capital Collaboration

To leverage its efforts, the agency works with others to share best practices and learn about new developments.

Question IconQuestions
  1. Does the agency look beyond its own experience and resources when developing human capital strategies?

Human Resources Collaboration

Next Standard Senior leaders, managers, human resource (HR) professionals, and key stakeholders contribute to the human capital vision and the agency's broader strategic planning process. HR professionals act as consultants with managers to develop, implement, and assess human capital policies and practices to achieve the organization's shared vision.

Question IconQuestions
  1. Are human resources professionals and key stakeholders involved in the agency strategic and workforce planning efforts?
  2. Is the HR function adequately staffed and prepared, in competencies and resources, to proactively partner and consult with line managers?
  3. Does the HR staff reach out to other organizational functions and components through facilitation, coordination, and counseling to provide integrated mission support?