Advisory Committee for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Skip repetitive navigation links.
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Farm Loan Programs
Advisory Committee for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers


The Agricultural Credit Improvement Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-554) required the Secretary of Agriculture to establish the Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers (Committee). The purpose of the Committee is to advise the Secretary on (1) the development of a program of coordinated financial assistance to qualified beginning farmers and ranchers required by Section 309 (i) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (this program consists of Federal and state beginning farmer programs that provide joint financing to beginning farmers and ranchers); (2) methods of maximizing the number of new farming and ranching opportunities created through the program; (3) methods of encouraging States to participate in the program; (4) the administration of the program; and (5) other methods of creating new farming or ranching opportunities.

The Committee was formally established on November 25, 1998. Since then, the Committee has met eight times and issued many recommendations to the Secretary. Numerous recommendations have been implemented by the Department.

The Committee is comprised of 20 members representing the following groups: (1) Farm Service Agency (FSA); (2) State beginning farmer programs; (3) commercial lenders; (4) private nonprofit organizations with active beginning farmer programs; (5) the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service; (6) community colleges or other educational institutions with demonstrated experience in training beginning farmers or ranchers; (7) other entities or persons providing lending or technical assistance for qualified beginning farmers or ranchers; and (8) farmers and ranchers.

The statute requires representatives from the first seven groups to be included on the Committee. Members serve a two year term. The current term ends in November 2009.

FSA is the Agency designated to provide support to the Committee. Mark Falcone, Deputy Director, Farm Loan Programs Loan Making Division, oversees the Committee.



Committee Recommendations

  • 2003 (No Meeting Held)

Committee Meeting Minutes

  • 2003 (No Meeting Held)

2008 Committee Meeting

Sofitel Hotel
806 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC
July 9-10, 2008




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Date Last Modified: 6/30/2008
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 Bullet Advisory Committee for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
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