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Israel Local time: 11:31 AM

Customized Market Research

Customized Market ResearchCS Israel may recommend that U.S. companies opt for Customized Market Research (CMR) as the best entry level step to determine the prospects for their products or services. This is especially the case if your product/service is highly specific or technical. The cost of the CMR is $300. CS Israel will agree upfront with you what parameters will be included in the CMR in order to best determine whether Israel is a good market. Parameters can include contact lists of potential distributors, competition, market entry issues, a brief description of the specific industry sector, market size, market trends, and regulatory issues. Upon determining from the results of the CMR that there are good opportunities in Israel for your firm, CS Israel specialists will suggest a customized market strategy including either an International Partner Search (IPS) or a Gold Key Service (GKS). If your company chooses to move forth with one of these services, the $300 will be deducted from the cost of the IPS or GKS.

If interested, you can have the flexibility to design your own set of questions or you are invited to choose from a Core Menu of standardized questions. For more information, please contact Irit van der Veur and please provide as much detail about your request as possible.