Footnotes for
Table 6.5C. Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry

1. Full-time equivalent employees equals the number of employees on full-time schedules plus the number of employees on part-time schedules converted to a full-time basis. The number of full-time equivalent employees in each industry is the product of the total number of employees and the ratio of average weekly hours per employee for all employees to average weekly hours per employee on full-time schedules.
2. Beginning with 1990, reflects the reclassification of employees of Indian tribal governments from the private sector to state and local government.
3. Reflects the reclassification of air couriers from trucking and warehousing to transportation by air.
4. Consists of museums, botanical and zoological gardens; engineering and management services; and services, not elsewhere classified.
5. Includes Coast Guard.
6. Beginning with 1993, includes estimates of foreign professional workers and undocumented Mexican migratory workers employed temporarily in the United States.
Note. Estimates in this table are based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
