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What is the average income for students graduating from postsecondary institutions compared with those graduating from high school?

For each year shown between 1980 and 2005, earnings for young adults increased when education level increased. For example, young adults with at least a bachelor抯 degree consistently had higher median earnings than those with less education. This pattern generally held for male, female, White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian subgroups. Moreover, for the entire population and generally for each subgroup, the difference between the earnings of those with at least a bachelor抯 degree and those with less education grew during this period. For example, males with a bachelor抯 or higher degree earned 19 percent more than male high school completers1 in 1980 and 64 percent more than male high school completers in 2005

During the period between 1980 and 2005, earnings fluctuated among those with at least a bachelor抯 degree and decreased among those with less education, thus contributing to the growth in the median income gap. For example, the earnings of those with a high school diploma1 decreased by $5,600 between 1980 and 2005, while the earnings of those with a bachelor抯 or higher degree increased by $2,300.

1Includes those who earned a high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., a General Educational Development [GED] certificate).

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2007). The Condition of Education 2007 (NCES 2007�4), Indicator 20.

Median annual earnings of all full-time, full-year wage and salary workers ages 25�, by sex and educational attainment: Selected years, 1980�05

[In constant 2004 dollars]

Year All education levels High school diploma or GED Bachelor's degree or higher
1980 $40,600 $38,800 $46,300
1985 39,100 35,200 48,200
1990 36,700 32,000 46,000
1995 34,200 29,700 46,400
2000 37,800 32,300 50,900
2001 37,600 31,400 51,200
2002 37,300 31,100 51,400
2003 36,500 30,900 49,600
2004 36,300 30,400 50,700
2005 35,100 29,600 48,400
1980 $27,600 $25,500 $34,100
1985 29,100 25,000 36,900
1990 28,900 23,700 38,800
1995 27,500 21,800 37,300
2000 30,100 23,500 39,900
2001 31,200 24,200 40,200
2002 31,600 24,600 42,000
2003 31,500 24,400 41,300
2004 31,000 24,000 40,300
2005 30,300 23,500 39,500

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2007). The Condition of Education 2007 (NCES 2007�4), Table 20-1.

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