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What are the trends in vocational education?

The average number of courses in vocational areas completed by all high school graduates was lower in 2000 (4.2 units) than in 1982 (4.6 units).

Between 1982 and 1998, the primary change in vocational/technical coursetaking was not in the proportion of high school students participating in vocational/technical education but in the amount of vocational/technical education they took. That is, the breadth of vocational/technical coursetaking declined slightly, while the depth of this coursetaking declined more steeply. However, most declines in vocational/technical coursetaking occurred by the early 1990s.

Between 1982 and 1998, almost all public high school graduates (between 98.2 percent and 96.5 percent) earned at least some credits in vocational/technical education in high school. However, the average number of vocational/technical credits earned by graduates declined between 1982 and 1990, after which there were no statistically significant changes.

During the 1990s, vocational/technical credits continued to represent a declining share of the total high school credits that graduates earned. This relative decline was due to the fact that public high school graduates earned on average more academic credits and—to a lesser extent—more enrichment/other credits over this decade.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2003). Trends in High School Vocational/Technical Coursetaking: 1982-1998 (NCES 2003-025).

Percentage of public high school graduates who were vocational/technical coursetakers and average number of credits earned in vocational/technical education by public high school graduates: Various years, 1982 to 1998
Year Percent vocational/technical coursetakers1 Number of vocational/technical credits earned Percent of total credits earned in vocational/technical education
1982 98.2 4.68 21.8
1990 98.0 4.19 17.9
1992 97.7 3.99 16.8
1994 97.2 3.96 16.5
1998 96.5 3.99 15.9

1 Graduates earning greater than 0.0 credits in vocational/technical education.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2003). Trends in High School Vocational/Technical Coursetaking: 1982-1998 (NCES 2003-025).

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