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GSRP Graduate Receives Best Poster Award
Amin Nehrir, first year graduate student in the Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) at NASA Langley, won the best poster award at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC). The conference took place in Boulder, Colorado as a part of the International Coordination Group on Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS). He was selected out of approximately 290 posters and also received a monetary prize.

“There are many new and exciting technologies being developed in the field of Applied Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Graduate Student Researchers Program has allowed me to extend my knowledge of Electrical Engineering into the field of atmospheric optical remote sensing," Nehrir said. "It has given me the opportunity and freedom to conduct and lead my own research under the guidance of scientists that are pioneering cutting edge technology in Atmospheric laser remote sensing."

Nehrir is a graduate student at Montana State University and is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major.

To learn more about ICLAS awards, please visit:

Amin Nehrir and David Hoffman. Image Above: Amin Nehrir and fellow GSRP student, David Hoffman. Credit: NASA