Housing and Employment Link Program (HELP)


TACID's Housing and Employment Link Program will:
  • Assist Tacoma and Pierce County individuals with disabilities locate and retain barrier free, accessible and/or affordable housing.
  • Provide Tacoma and Pierce County individuals with information and referral in the areas of vocational education, job training and advocacy with job related issues.
  • Network and educate landlords, agencies, and employers to remove physical and attitudinal barriers.
Tenants in TACID's Supportive Housing Project.

The services we provide include:

  • Up to date registry of accessible housing in the City Limits of Tacoma and Pierce County.
  • Information and referral on affordable, accessible housing and on possible employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities
  • Help in identifying an individual's housing and employment needs
  • Information and referral to additional services.
  • Supportive Housing Program, which houses people who were previously homeless and disabled in a shared living situation. Click here for more information on our supportive housing program.

HousingServices are provided in the City of Tacoma and Pierce County.

For an appointment, or more information, please call our Housing and Employment Specialist.

To Contact Us:
Lisa Horn
(253) 565-9000 ext. 25
(253) 565-5445 (TTY)


Mary Beth Quinsey
(253) 565-9000 ext 14
(253) 565-5443 (TTY)
E-mail :


Melody George/Kate Yarawsky
Shared Housing Clients Only