FY2007 Status Report of the Heritage Assets Partnership

January 22, 2008

< www.doi.gov/pam/HeritageAssetsPartner >


Executive Summary


The Heritage Assets Partnership (HAP) is a standing committee within the Department of the Interior (DOI) created to support responsible stewardship of DOI’s heritage assets.  The primary goal of the HAP is to direct, evaluate and oversee DOI-wide efforts to manage and report on heritage assets within the context of DOI’s asset management objectives for real property assets.  The HAP also provides Department-wide strategic vision for heritage assets management.  Heritage assets include historic structures, buildings, archeological sites, and cultural landscapes, many of which are eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and/or are National Historic Landmarks.  Heritage assets also include museum collections. 




The HAP is the forum through which bureau heritage assets managers develop common strategies and agreements to achieve efficient and cost-effective management of DOI heritage assets while ensuring compliance with Federal cultural resources laws, regulations, and Executive Orders.  The HAP advises the Office of Acquisition and Property Management and DOI leadership on heritage assets management policy issues, and provides leadership and guidance on integrating heritage assets in the formulation and implementation of the DOI Asset Management Plan.  The HAP ensures that the DOI Asset Management Plan supports and is in compliance with DOI’s strategic plans and objectives, as well as with the National Historic Preservation Act (16 USC 470), Executive Order 13287– “Preserve America” in the context of Executive Order 13327 , “Federal Real Property Asset Management,” and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (16 USC 470aa-mm).  HAP also promotes the sharing of expertise and enhances asset management employee development by providing management and technical information about heritage assets through conferences, workshops, task groups, and seminars.



Current composition


The permanent members of the HAP are DOI Federal Preservation Officers and their designees representing the full range of heritage assets disciplines.  Other members include: staff with asset management program responsibilities in the Office of Acquisition and Property Management; staff with heritage assets financial reporting responsibilities in the Office of Financial Management; and, staff with heritage assets performance measure responsibilities in the Office of Planning and Performance Management.


Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities


Strategic Planning

·         Developed white paper for the Asset Management Team stating the HAP’s position that archaeological sites are to be considered real property for budgeting and funding purposes. 

·         Continues to ensure that heritage assets are properly integrated in DOI’s Asset Management Plan (AMP), asset management list, and other policies and guidelines, as requested.

·         Prioritizes and accomplishes actions, when applicable, to improve the operational and financial management of DOI’s heritage assets.

·         Identifies authorities and mandates relating to heritage assets that are required to address asset management priorities. 


Operating and Maintaining Heritage Assets

·         Develops and updates guidance for determining asset valuation for non-collectible heritage assets, so that they receive appropriate priority in facility planning.  (CRV is not appropriate for non-collectible heritage assets.)

·         Recommends policies to enhance common business practices that have multi-bureau and/or Department-wide application for managing heritage assets.

·         Recommends operational procedures and solutions to heritage assets management opportunities, challenges and issues.

·         Assures consistent Department-wide policy guidance for fulfilling the requirements for historic properties under Executive Order 13287 of March 3, 2003 – “Preserve America.”


Evaluating HAP Implementation and Program Performance

·         Assesses the effectiveness and impact of Department-wide heritage assets policies.

·         Identifies goals, with appropriate deadlines, that are consistent with and supportive of the DOI Asset Management Plan.

·         Uses standardized metrics and reports to track progress and accomplishments of heritage assets programs, projects and initiatives.


Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)

·         Recommends actions to ensure that the Department’s heritage assets receive appropriate priority within the CPIC process.

·         Identifies opportunities to share projects, activities and resources to avoid duplication of effort.



A critical area in which the HAP has proven useful is communication.  Prior to its formation, HAP members were not uniformly involved in discussions with their respective asset managers.  With the establishment of the HAP by the DOI Office of Property and Acquisition Management, the standing committee of cultural resource managers directly interacts with the DOI on heritage asset issues.  In turn, HAP members work more effectively with their bureau asset managers, who were already connected to DOI level asset management teams.  This new level of communication also extended to other DOI offices, such as finance and planning, thereby facilitating the inclusion of cultural resources issues into the agendas and activities of those offices.  This new level of interaction has allowed for better transmission of information and, more importantly, has strengthened DOI’s position on its heritage assets through a better understanding of stewardship responsibilities and greater integration of heritage assets into asset management and planning.


Proposed Future Activities                                                                                                                        

·         Implement the integration of heritage assets with the operations of the AMP.

·         Address the issue of increasing Deferred Maintenance (DM) funding for heritage assets.

·         Finalize Section VI. Heritage Assets in the DOI’s Guidance on Deferred Maintenance, Current Replacement Value and Facility Condition Index in Life-Cycle Cost Management

·         Broaden collaboration with other agencies to promote better stewardship of heritage assets.

·         Participate in the FBMS Policy Consortium.

·         Adjust Attachment G of the 2010 Budget Guidance for Five-Year Deferred Maintenance and Capital Improvement Plan to better reflect the needs of heritage assets.



            Website:  www.doi.gov/pam/HeritageAssetsPartner

            DM Guidance:  http://www.doi.gov/pam/FCIDMCRVGuidance061506.pdf

            DOI-AMP:  http://www.doi.gov/pam/DOIAMPVer2061407Rev3.pdf