

Department of the Interior Heritage Assets Partnership


This charter establishes basic operating procedures of the Department of the Interior Heritage Assets Partnership (HAP).


HAP Purpose


The Heritage Assets Partnership is a standing committee created to support responsible stewardship of the Department’s heritage assets.  The primary purpose of the HAP is to direct, evaluate and oversee Department-wide efforts to manage and report on heritage assets within the context of Interior’s asset management goals and objectives for property assets.


The HAP is the forum through which bureau heritage assets managers develop common strategies and agreements to strengthen the management of heritage assets Department-wide to achieve program and project efficiencies and cost-effectiveness. The HAP also provides an important coordination and communication link between the Department and bureaus. The HAP advises the Office of Acquisition and Property Management and Departmental leadership on heritage assets management policy issues, and provides leadership and guidance in ensuring that heritage assets are appropriately integrated into the implementation of the DOI Asset Management Plan.  In addition, the HAP provides Department-wide strategic vision for heritage assets management and ensures that the DOI Asset Management Plan supports and is in compliance with the Department’s strategic plans and objectives and with Executive Order 13287 of March 3, 2003 – “Preserve America” in the context of Executive Order 13327 of February 4, 2005 – “Federal Real Property Asset Management.”



HAP Roles and Responsibilities


The HAP will draw staff support from bureau discipline specialists with program management responsibility for heritage assets to discharge the roles and responsibilities described below.


Strategic Planning


Operating and Maintaining Heritage Assets


Evaluating HAP Implementation and Program Performance


Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)


Assigning and Developing Resources


HAP Membership


The permanent members of the HAP are


The Chairperson of the HAP is selected by the membership of the group on an annual basis.


Heritage asset managers need to interface with a broad range of discipline specialists and managers. To effectively accomplish its goals, the HAP will expand its membership as needed to address the overall complex program and administrative management challenges.  Members operating under this expanded status may participate on a meeting-by-meeting basis or on a permanent ex-officio basis.


HAP Operating Guidelines


The HAP will operate and meet according to the following guidelines:










/s/ Debra E. Sonderman


Director – Office of Acquisition and Property Management


7 March 2006


Date Signed