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Passive Solar Heating for Farmers and Ranchers

Photo of a house with passive solar design.

This rural home in Colorado features a passive solar design that heats the home in the winter and cools it in the summer.

The following resources will help you incorporate passive solar heating and daylighting into the buildings on your farm or ranch. If you are unfamiliar with these technologies, see the introduction to passive solar heating and daylighting.

General Information

U.S. Department of Energy Consumer's Guide: Passive Solar Home Design
Can be applied to other buildings as well.

Solar Energy for Homes: Passive Solar Design
From the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.

American Solar Energy Society
Has publications on passive solar design and daylighting, and information on its National Tour of Solar Homes, which is held every October in many communities throughout the United States.

Passive Solar Design Guidelines
From the Sustainable Building Sourcebook.

CADDET: Energy-Efficient Farming and Forestry in Norway, which explains a farm's use of biomass energy, hydroelectric power, and solar energy to significantly reduce energy costs.

Evaluation Tools

Solar Radiation Data Manual for Buildings
Provides information on solar radiation and illuminance values for windows in many areas across the United States.

Training and Workshops

Solar Energy International
Features information about its hands-on workshops and online courses in solar building technologies.


U.S. Department of Agriculture 2002 Farm Bill: Section 9006
A grant and loan program to help farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses invest in energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies.

U.S. Department of Energy Financial Opportunities
Offers financial assistance opportunities for the development and demonstration of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies.

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy
Provides information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives that promote renewable energy.

The Borrowers Guide to Financing Solar Energy Systems (PDF 501 KB) Download Adobe Reader.