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Services to Individuals with Disabilities

Disability Services Division in the Department of Human Services was formed in July 1996, through the merger of the Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation Consulting & Services
Rehabilitation Consulting & Services provides training and employment services to individuals with disabilities so they can become and remain employed.
Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities services provide support and training to individuals and families in order to maximize community and family inclusion, independence, and self-sufficiency; to prevent institutionalization; and to enable institutionalized individuals to return to the community.

Other programs within the realm of Disability Services

Disability Determination Services
Disability Determination Services provides eligibility decisions on behalf of applicants to the Social Security Administration.
Early Intervention Program
The Early Intervention Program is designed to identify in the earliest stages children at risk of developmental delays and to provide early assistance because the right help can make all the difference.
Vision Services
Vision Services help individuals with visual impairments so they can maintain independence in their home environments.
Independent Living Services
The purpose of Independent Living Services is to eliminate barriers and to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities so they can live and work more independently in their homes and communities.
Business Services
Business Services provides consultation, technical assistance and information to businesses so they can have an available source of qualified employees and receive solutions to disability-related issues.
Client Assistance Program (CAP)
The Client Assistance Program (CAP) provides advocacy, consultation, education, and referral to individuals who are seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services and independent living services so they can resolve issues and receive the services they are eligible to receive.

Other programs

Interagency Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT)
Interagency Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT) is an independent entity affiliated with the North Dakota Association for the Disabled, Inc. It provides education, consultation, and referral to people with disabilities so they can access assistive technology (AT) services and devices such as communication devices, adaptive computer equipment, seating systems, magnifying equipment, and much more.

Please select one of the above programs for more information.

Disability Services Division

1237 W Divide Ave, Suite 1A
Bismarck, ND 58501-1208
Phone: (701) 328-8930
Toll Free: (800) 755-8529
TTY: (701) 328-8968
Fax: (701) 328-8969

Vocational Rehabilitation

1237 W Divide Ave, Suite 1B
Bismarck, ND 58501-1208
Phone: (701) 328-8950
Toll Free: (800) 755-2745
TTY: (701) 328-8968
Fax: (701) 328-8969


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