Pacific Southwest Region

Fire Safety

Eight Principles of Safety

  1. People are the most critical element of the safety program
  2. Our goal is to prevent all injuries, illnesses and accidents
  3. Management has leadership responsibility and accountability for preventing injuries. illnesses, and accidents
  4. Safety is a condition of employment. The workforce must be provided continuous training to work safely
  5. Our contractors and cooperators will meet safety standards
  6. Regular oversight and monitoring of safety performance are important and needed
  7. Identified safety deficiencies will be corrected immediately
  8. Safety extends beyond the job to be part of every person's life

Mark your Calendars for the:

"Interagency Wildland Safety Officer Conference"
April 14 - 16, 2009
Humphrey's Half Moon Inn
San Diego, CA

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USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.