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Archive for the ‘Public Health’ Category

Building a Primary Care Workforce for the 21st Century

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

Access Transformed: Building a Primary Care Workforce for the 21st Century
National Association of Community Health Centers - August 2008
Available online PDF [40p.] at:

For Immediate Release
August 11,2008
NACHC Issues New Study on Primary Care Workforce

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Though access to primary care protects health and cuts costs, a study released today finds there aren’t enough primary care doctors and nurses at health centers to meet the need, with some areas having almost none - a situation that cannot be solved just by expanding health insurance coverage. The study finds the availability of a primary care workforce depends on where you live, and primary care clinicians are not locating in areas that need them most, especially low-income communities.

Press Release:
You can now listen to the audio news conference on the report, ACCESS TRANSFORMED: Building a Primary Care Workforce for the 21st Century.

The report was issued by NACHC, George Washington University, and the Robert Graham Center. [posted on Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, Equity listserv] scb

CDC Launches CDC-TV - Online Video Resources

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched CDC-TV, a new online video resource available through the CDC. CDC-TV videos will cover a variety of health, safety and preparedness topics. The premiere series on CDC-TV is “Health Matters.” The first segment of the series, “Break the Silence: Stop the Violence,” addresses the topic of teen dating violence. In this video, parents and teens discuss the problem of dating violence and how to prevent it.

The library of available videos through CDC-TV will expand to include single-topic presentations as well as series for children, parents and public health professionals. Most are short and all include captioning for the hearing-impaired. The videos are part of CDC’s efforts to increase access to information that can help people prevent illness and injury.

Click here to visit the video library. [rb]

Latinos and Health Information

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Quarter of Latinos Get No Health Information from Medical Professionals, New Survey Finds

WASHINGTON - More than one in four Hispanic adults in the United States lack a usual health care provider and a similar proportion report obtaining no health care information from medical professionals in the past year, according to a report released today by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

At the same time, the report finds that more than eight in 10 receive health information from alternative sources, such as television and radio. This includes most of those who get no information from doctors or other medical professionals.

The report Hispanics and Health Care in the United States: Access, Information and Knowledge is available at the Pew Hispanic Center’s website,, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s website, [scb]

Public Health Preparedness Summit Call for Abstracts

Friday, August 1st, 2008

The Changing Face of Preparedness: Building and Sustaining Public Health Capacity for Disaster Response
February 18- 20
San Diego, CA

Help advance the field of public health preparedness by presenting your innovations and experiences at the nation’s largest gathering of public health preparedness and emergency management professionals. Showcase best practice training models, tools, and resources that illustrate proven results in building and sustaining public health preparedness at the local, state, or national level. Abstracts will be accepted for posters, roundtable discussions, interactive sessions, and 2-hour to full day workshops. Abstracts may be submitted until Sunday, August 31, 11:59 P.M. EDT. For more information about the Summit, including complete abstract submission instructions, visit [posted on the Medical Reserve Corps Listserv] scb

Landmark Study Highlights Prevention Savings

Monday, July 21st, 2008
Prevention for a Healthier America: Investments in Disease Prevention Yield Significant Savings, Stronger Communities. The report-produced through a partnership between Trust for America’s Health, the New York Academy of Medicine, the Urban Institute, The California Endowment, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Prevention Institute-validates what those in the field have always known intuitively: community-based prevention saves money in addition to lives. This groundbreaking study demonstrates that:

  • Prevention saves money
  • There is a substantial return-on-investment in prevention
  • Investments result in savings for both public and private health care payers
  • High rates of saving are possible in every state

[posted on Prevention Institute's Resource Alert] scb

Online Modules

Monday, July 7th, 2008

Culture & Health Literacy Online Training
This online training discusses how inequalities in health information contribute to unequal treatment and health outcomes for some populations (health disparities) and what communities can do to close the gap and improve health literacy.

Getting the Most from SIS’s Environmental Health and Toxicology Resources
Skill kits, database searching guides, quick tours, tutorials, and training materials that introduce the science of toxicology.

[posted on PHPartners - New Links for the week of Jul 07, 2008] scb

BioMedical Informatics Without Borders

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Enabling Collaboration to Strengthen Research and Care
A joint conference of the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the U.K. National Cancer Research Institute
September 2-3, 2008, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.
Admission is free. For more information and to register, please visit
Abstracts are welcomed on a number of relevant issues. Guidelines and instructions for submissions may be found at Abstracts are due July 15. [scb]

eHealth Fellowship

Friday, June 20th, 2008

The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), U.S.Department of Health and Human Services proudly announce the request for applications for the ehealth fellowship as part of the APTR-ODPHP Health Policy Fellowship Program. This newly offered fellowship offers opportunities in public health planning as well as federal initiatives in ehealth and health communication. Fellows will gain leadership experience working in an inter-professional setting, and training alongside leading experts. The application package describes this opportunity in greater detail and includes all the materials candidates need in order to apply. This application package, along with more information, is available on the training portion of the APTR website: [posted on HealthLiteracy 2083] scb

eXtension Resources for Disasters and Emergencies

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

During this difficult time of flooding, tornados, and lots of rain don’t forget eXtension is a source of research-based information. Here are some topics covered on the sites:

Family caregiving disasters - <> Information on stress and decision making, safe sheltering of your home, things caregivers should know in a disaster.

Floods- <>. Information on what to do when you enter the home for the first time,

Agro security- <> This includes information about animals, food safety, worker safety, assessing risks and much more. (bbj)

Online Resource Center on Emergency Preparedness for Diverse Communities

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

The National Resource Center on Advancing Emergency Preparedness for Culturally Diverse Communities is a joint initiative of the Drexel University School of Public Health’s Center for Health Equality and the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health.

The National Resource Center will serve as a central clearinghouse of resources and an exchange site to facilitate communication, networking and collaboration among key players working to build resilience and eliminate disparities for culturally diverse communities in emergencies. The site features hundreds of cross-referenced annotated resources in over 40 languages highlighting research, training and education opportunities, measurement and evaluation tools, effective risk communication strategies, and other successful programs and projects. [posted on CLAS-talk] scb