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News Release
May 19, 2004

Administrator Tandy at Florida Drug Summit

photo- Joseph Rainey, Special Assistant to Administrator Tandy, Thomas W. Raffanello, Special Agent in Charge Miami Field Division, Administrator Karen P. Tandy, Randall Bohman, Jacksonville DO ASAC, Mark Cutcliffe, Tallahassee RO RAC and Florida Governor Jeb Bush
Joseph Rainey, Special Assistant to Administrator Tandy, Thomas W. Raffanello, Special Agent in Charge Miami Field Division, Administrator Karen P. Tandy, Randall Bohman, Jacksonville DO ASAC, Mark Cutcliffe, Tallahassee RO RAC and Florida Governor Jeb Bush

MAY 21--On May 19, 2004, Administrator Karen P. Tandy was the keynote speaker at the Florida Drug Control Summit in Tallahassee. The first Drug Summit was held in 1999 and led to the establishment of the Governor's Office of Drug Control. The Florida Drug Summit has since been held annually and is attended by approximately 400 individuals from the areas of government, law enforcement, prevention and demand reduction.

The Administrator began her remarks by thanking Governor and Mrs. Jeb Bush and stating they "have made the fight against drugs a passion and a priority." Administrator Tandy also lauded Miami Field Division cases and accomplishments during her speech and thanked member of the state and local agencies for their joint activities with the DEA Miami Field Division.

photo- Florida Lt. Governor Toni Jennings, James McDonough, Florida Office of Drug Control Director, Administrator Tandy Florida Lt. Governor Toni Jennings, James McDonough, Florida Office of Drug Control Director, and Administrator Tandy
photo- The Administrator giving her speech at the Florida Drug Control Summit The Administrator giving her speech at the Florida Drug Control Summit
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