Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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November 2003 Press Releases
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November 25 - Waxman, Dingell, Lieberman Seek Investigations of Halliburton Gasoline Importations to Iraq

November 20 - Lieberman Troubled By “Unreasonable” White House Limits On 9/11 Commission Access To Key Documents

November 20 - Lieberman Calls August Blackout "Entirely Avoidable"

November 19 - Lieberman Urges Stronger Measure to Restore Investor Confidence in Mutual Funds

November 18 - Lieberman Says Tax Shelters Must Have Economic Substance To Deter Industry Built Around Tax Evasion

November 18 - Lieberman Supports Amendment Outlawing Senior Discount

November 13 - Lieberman Applauds Dodd/Corzine Plan

November 13 - NPS Employees Say Parks Are In Danger

November 13 - Iron Curtain Of Secrecy Around White House Must Be Raised

November 12 - Administration Fails To Certify Labs Using Anthrax, Smallpox

November 11 - Federal Poverty Calculations Mask True Economic Status of Most Vulnerable Citizens

November 7 - Lieberman, Durbin Press OIRA On Openness, Accountability

November 6 - Lieberman Says NYSE Cannot Regulate Itself

November 5 - Lieberman Calls on Halliburton to Refund American Taxpayers

November 5 - Lieberman: Mutual Fund Reform Bill is Important Step Toward Restoring Integrity to Embattled Industry

November 4 - Leading Senators Pressure President to Provide Key Documents
Condemn White House's "Poor Record of Cooperation"

November 3 - Lieberman Demands Report on Simulation of Terorist Attack
Analysis Details Shortcomings of Government Response

November 3 - Congress Votes to Name Hartford Post Office After Former US Rep Barbara B. Kennelly

November 3 - Lieberman Strafes SEC for Lax Oversight of Mutual Funds
Middle Class Investors' Trust Abused all Over Again

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510