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Archive for the ‘Network Membership’ Category

Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion

Monday, August 25th, 2008

MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force is sponsoring a contest for “Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion!” Here is your chance to show off your marketing project or promotional activities that you have used to improve or expand services in your library or for your users. MCR members are encouraged to submit materials to Marketing and Promotion Categories: you may enter one or both categories

Prizes for the best entry scoring above 80 points will be awarded. Entries will be evaluated on Design, Presentation and Evaluation Criteria. Entries should be submitted to Barb Jones by September 1, 2008. Judges for the contest will be members of the MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force. All entries are encouraged to display their projects and promotional materials at the Marketing Booth at MCMLA. The winners will be announced at MCMLA 2008 in Cody, Wyoming. (bbj)

March Breezing Along with the RML

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Barb Jones, Advocacy/Missouri Liaison, and John Bramble, Network Membership/Utah Liaison introduced some of the highlights of the RML’s Library Advocacy and Network Membership programming for year 3. This was followed by a discussion with Breezing participants. Barb and John asked attendees how these programs could, can, or do support the work of health sciences librarians. This was an opportunity for Network members to have a voice in making year 3 programs more relevant to their work.

Forsman to Receive Noyes Award

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Rick Forsman, former director of the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Library will receive the 2008 Marcia C. Noyes Award. This Medical Library Association award, established in 1947, recognizes a career which has resulted in lasting, outstanding contributions to health sciences librarianship. Congratulations! [da]

Funding Opportunity!

Friday, February 8th, 2008

Attention Members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region!

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine is pleased to announce the MCR 2008 Express Outreach Award. This is an opportunity for those who have been thinking about ways to become involved with organizations and groups outside their library. Are you already working with groups and have a great idea that just needs some funding? Here’s an opportunity for you!!!

Three awards will be funded in the amount of $6,000 or an amount up to $6,000.

To learn more about this opportunity, please visit the project’s webpage at:

If you have questions on the content of the proposal, or you just want to run the idea by someone, please contact Siobhan Champ-Blackwell at, Dana Abbey at or John Bramble at

EFTS rates going up February 1st

Friday, January 25th, 2008

This is a reminder to EFTS (Electronic Funds Transfer Service) members that on February 1, 2008 there will be a 2% increase in transaction fees making this fee 5%.

If you would like to learn more about this increase, please visit:

NN/LM MidContinental Region Community Outreach Partnership Award

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region (NN/LM MCR) announces the availability of a Community Outreach Partnership Award. The purpose of the Community Partnership Award is to assist Network member libraries in the NN/LM MCR that are interested in initiating or enhancing collaborations between Network members and community-based organizations and/or other organizations addressing health disparities or emergency planning. Partnering community organizations may include community health clinics, faith-based organizations and public libraries.

An award of up to $8,000 will be given. All full or affiliate MCR network members are eligible for the award. Proposals are due September 28th, 2007 4:00 MST, 5:00 CST. To apply, please download the application (MS Word format) For more information, contact Siobhan Champ-Blackwell at

National Medical Librarians Month 2007

Monday, August 27th, 2007

You have the opportunity to get your project featured on NLM’s National Medical Librarians Month web site in October! If you have a project that demonstrates the creativity and professionalism of health sciences librarians, submit the following information about your project:
Name of the project
Institution where the project is located, City and State
URL for the project
A paragraph describing the project
Project Director, Key Staff for the project
Logo if available.
Deadline for submissions: August 31, 2007
Submit projects to Suzanne Sawyer, Project Coordinator:
The best projects as determined by RML staff will be featured.

July Breezing Along with the RML!

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Don’t miss July’s Breezing Along with the RML this Wednesday at 10am MT, 11am CT.

Weigh in on a discussion on the future of the Reference Continuity Service Project. John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison, will facilitate a sharing of experiences with providing/receiving reference support from outside your institution. See below for a brief description of the project. Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, will present “iGoogle,” Google’s personalized web page system. She’ll demonstrate how to customize your Google home page with small programs or “gadgets” so that the information you need is at your fingertips. She’ll also show an MCR gadget that she wrote so that members can access the latest MCR information using iGoogle.

The Reference Continuity Service Project is based on the DOCLINE concept of
resource sharing between member libraries but rather than sharing collections the project would be sharing the reference expertise of our member librarians. Members participating in the service would either be reference service providers or members requesting reference service in times of temporary library closures.

For instructions on attending July’s Breezing Along with the RML see All you’ll need is access to the web and a telephone. /ch

Network Membership Renewal and New Certificates

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

A great big thanks goes out to all of the Network members who renewed their membership for the new contract year! All members who have renewed should have received a NN/LM Membership Certificate by now.

If you renewed but have not received your certificate, please contact John Bramble. or 800-338-7657 (when prompted, dial 1, then 2, then 6).

Requst NLM Promotional Materials ***FREE***

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

The MCR has recently updated and added to its online order form for requesting NIH and NLM promotional materials.

Materials include items such as MedlinePlus bookmarks and posters, pamphlets introducing NIHSenior Health, Tox Town, Tox Net, ClinicalTrials, Genetics Home Reference, and much much more!

This is a Free service!.

To place an order, go to: