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Archive for the ‘Grants and Funding’ Category

Year Long Sewell Fellowships for Librarians Available

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

The purpose of the Sewell Fund Learning Partnership program is to provide funding for a mid-career medical or health care librarian or information scientist to spend twelve months in the environment of a host organization. If you are a health sciences librarian or information specialist who is interested in being considered for selection as a Sewell Fund Fellow, the application period begins in January 2009 with applications due by April 15, 2009. Sound interesting? Host organizations who can present a learning environment are also be sought. For more information and the application forms, please go to Questions? Email If you would like to be contacted by phone, please leave a telephone number and preferred time of day for a return call. /ch

Outreach Funding Awarded

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Congratulations to Judith Bergjord, Outreach Librarian at Creighton University Health Sciences Library and to Armita Burdick, Clinical Medical Librarian at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Health Sciences Library! Both librarians are being funded for outreach projects.

Ms. Bergjord is collaborating with a faith based organization to provide the health information support for their efforts on religious diversity and health care issues. Her project is entitled “Crossing the Religious Divide: Training Caregivers in Religious Diversity.”

Ms. Burdick is part of a multi-agency collaboration organizing community events for a traveling National Library of Medicine exhibit. Her project is entitled “Changing the Face of Medicine - A Kansas City Academic Medical Library/Community Celebration.” /ch

Classes on PubMed, NLM Gateway and Clinical Trials - at MCMLA!

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Time to brush up your skills or learn some new ones? And you’re planning on attending MCMLA in Cody WY? Add some extra time and take these available classes:
> NLM Gateway & - Friday, October 3, 2008 2:00pm-6:00pm
> PubMed - Saturday, October 4, 2008 - 8:30am-5:00pm
Register at:

Classes are FREE. (mm)

Finding Answers Call for Proposals Released

Friday, July 18th, 2008

Finding Answers: Disparities Research for Change
Application Deadline: Sept. 18, 2008
While the existence of racial and ethnic health care disparities has been firmly established, health care systems have not found a practical blend of strategies and interventions that measurably reduce these differences. Without adequate knowledge about practical steps to reduce disparities in care, health care organizations are often unable to address these gaps.
Finding Answers seeks to evaluate projects or initiatives that are under way in different health care settings, such as clinics and hospitals. The program will disseminate information about interventions that improve the quality of treatment for minority patients with certain diseases. The program will also share results and experiences from projects that attempted to address racial and ethnic disparities but did not succeed in improving the quality of care.

More details and how to apply.: [posted on Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Funding Alerts] scb

Medical Research with Animals

Monday, July 7th, 2008

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed a new online resource on animals in research for researchers and institutions. The Web site features links to policy and guidance information from the NIH Office of Laboratory Welfare; grant resources; crises preparedness strategies; funding opportunities; and training resources on animal care and use, research models, and science and ethics. The site also chronicles advances in animal research as well as NIH media releases and fact sheets on the benefits of animals in research. The section for the General Public is under development [scb]

Proposals for Hidden Collections Grant

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

CLIR Requests Proposals for Hidden Collections Grant
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has opened the application period for its new grant program, Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives. Information about the program and links to the online application and guidelines are available at scb]

Resource Program Grants in Bioformatics Grant

Friday, June 20th, 2008

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) solicits Resource Program Grants in Bioinformatics for supporting the continued operation, improvement, and dissemination of databases, digital information, or software tools that are unique, and of special importance to research using animal models of embryonic developmental processes. [posted on Opportunities Posting Update] scb

Enhancing Peer Review at NIH

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a longstanding history of supporting the most promising and meritorious biomedical and behavioral research using a broad range of approaches, strategies and mechanisms. While the first-rate and world renowned peer review system is a cornerstone of NIH, the increasing breadth, complexity, and interdisciplinary nature of modern research has created many challenges. In June 2007, the NIH Director established two working groups to examine the NIH peer review process. Read more about this process at [scb]

Thank you for your feedback!

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

At the end of April, the NN/LM MidContinental Region invited Network members to respond to two brief surveys. The first concerned our awards program that offers funding for projects proposed by Network members. The second asked about our technology program following the sharing of Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator with the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region. Thank you to all who took the time to answer either or both surveys! Summaries of what you told us will soon be available. State Liaisons will be contacting those of you who requested that we follow up with you on our awards program. /ch

$27.2 Million Available for National Preparedness Training Initiatives

Friday, May 30th, 2008

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today it is making $27.2 million available to state, local, tribal and territorial governments; national associations, non-profits, higher education institutions and the private sector as part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Competitive Training Grant Program (CTGP). This program awards funds to competitively selected applicants to develop and deliver innovative training programs addressing high priority national homeland security training needs. [posted on the Medical Reserve Corps listserv] scb