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Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

Feature Your Project for National Medical Librarians Month

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

We are fast approaching National Medical Librarians Month, October 2008! Take advantage of this opportunity to submit a project that you would like to see highlighted on the NLM public web site. Submit project descriptions, the personnel responsible for implementation, and the name of the institution where the project took place to the Claire Hamasu, Only logos will be accepted. No photos or other graphics, please.

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, September 10, 2008.

To see highlighted projects for National Medical Librarians Month 2007 go to:

Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion

Monday, August 25th, 2008

MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force is sponsoring a contest for “Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion!” Here is your chance to show off your marketing project or promotional activities that you have used to improve or expand services in your library or for your users. MCR members are encouraged to submit materials to Marketing and Promotion Categories: you may enter one or both categories

Prizes for the best entry scoring above 80 points will be awarded. Entries will be evaluated on Design, Presentation and Evaluation Criteria. Entries should be submitted to Barb Jones by September 1, 2008. Judges for the contest will be members of the MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force. All entries are encouraged to display their projects and promotional materials at the Marketing Booth at MCMLA. The winners will be announced at MCMLA 2008 in Cody, Wyoming. (bbj)

August Breezing Along with the RML

Friday, August 15th, 2008

This Wednesday August 20, 2008 at 10am MT, 11am CT is the time for our monthly Breezing Along with the RML. Barb Jones, Missouri/Library Advocacy Liaison, and Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation Liaison, will reprise their MLA presentation on tools to enable hospital librarians to determine the return on investment and cost benefit of their libraries and services. Come with some numbers and let’s discuss how you can use the online calculators to show the value your library brings to your institution. Joining is as easy as going to a web site ( More information and links to recordings of previous sessions are available on the MCR web site ( Add this event to your calendar and join us! /ch

NIH Council of Public Representatives Nomination Process Open

Friday, August 8th, 2008

The Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking nominations to fill vacant appointments to the 2009 Council of Public Representatives (COPR) roster. Nominations are due Friday, September 26, 2008, and are available online at
The COPR advises the NIH Director on cross-cutting issues related to medical research and health issues of public interest that ultimately promote individual, family, and community health. Examples of broad issues explored by the Council include community engagement in research, public trust in the research enterprise, enhancing public awareness and education about NIH, clinical trials recruitment issues, and aspects of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, such as reengineering the clinical research enterprise.

For more information, please visit the following Web sites:
Nomination instructions:
Background on the COPR:
COPR fact sheet:
COPR member biographies: /scb

Landmark Study Highlights Prevention Savings

Monday, July 21st, 2008
Prevention for a Healthier America: Investments in Disease Prevention Yield Significant Savings, Stronger Communities. The report-produced through a partnership between Trust for America’s Health, the New York Academy of Medicine, the Urban Institute, The California Endowment, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Prevention Institute-validates what those in the field have always known intuitively: community-based prevention saves money in addition to lives. This groundbreaking study demonstrates that:

  • Prevention saves money
  • There is a substantial return-on-investment in prevention
  • Investments result in savings for both public and private health care payers
  • High rates of saving are possible in every state

[posted on Prevention Institute's Resource Alert] scb

CBA/ROI calculator now available

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

A new calculator has been added to the online tools available through the MCR website. Check the Evaluation section for a link to the CBA/ROI calculator. This tool helps you discover the dollar value your book and journal collections return to your organization. Click on to give it a try. Contact Betsy Kelly with any questions and please do send comments. Your input will help make this tool useful for you! [bk]

AHIP and Your RML

Friday, April 25th, 2008

Attention AHIP’sters and AHIP’ster wannabes!

The MCRML has identified several ways Network members who are working towards earning
Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) points can also work with their MidContinental Region Medical Library. If you are working towards or renewing your AHIP or would just like to find out how to get involved in the interesting MCRML projects, please visit

Patient Safety Gaining in Importance with Insurance Companies

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Health insurer WellPoint has taken a stand that most other U.S. insurers are likely to follow: It has announced that it, in coming months, will no longer pay for care resulting from serious medical error. WellPoint will start by denying payment for three never events: foreign objects left in patients after surgery, operations on wrong body parts and operating on the wrong patient. It’s also refusing payment for hospital-acquired injuries, pressure ulcers, air embolisms, blood incompatibility, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, vascular catheter-associated infections, hospital-acquired injuries and chest infections after CABG. It is, of course, following CMS’s lead, which announced last year that it would stop paying for treatment related to certain adverse events. (bbj)

Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force is sponsoring a contest for “Frontier Forerunners of Library Marketing and Promotion! Here is your chance to show off your marketing project or promotional activities that you have used to improve or expand services in your library or for your users. MCR members are encouraged to submit materials to Marketing and Promotion Categories: you may enter one or both categories.

Prizes for the best entry scoring above 80 points will be awarded. Entries will be evaluated on Design, Presentation and Evaluation Criteria. Entries should be submitted to Barb Jones ( by September 1, 2008. Judges for the contest will be members of the MCMLA Library Advocacy Task Force. All entries are encouraged to display their projects and promotional materials at the Marketing Booth at MCMLA. The winners will be announced at MCMLA 2008 in Cody, Wyoming. (bbj)

March Breezing Along with the RML

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Barb Jones, Advocacy/Missouri Liaison, and John Bramble, Network Membership/Utah Liaison introduced some of the highlights of the RML’s Library Advocacy and Network Membership programming for year 3. This was followed by a discussion with Breezing participants. Barb and John asked attendees how these programs could, can, or do support the work of health sciences librarians. This was an opportunity for Network members to have a voice in making year 3 programs more relevant to their work.