Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms (TGM II)

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V. Cataloging Applications

8. Multiple thesauri.

Terms from TGM II may be used when cataloging pictorial materials in MARC formats other than Visual Materials.[1] For example, a catalog record for an illustrated book may include such terms as PHOTOGRAVURES or WOODBURYTYPES; or a catalog record for a manuscript collection may include such terms as PORTRAITS and PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS. Likewise, non-pictorial terms from other authorized thesauri may need to be used in records that describe graphic collections with non-pictorial material. The appropriate thesaurus source code should be indicated for each heading.

Example:  655-7$aAutobiographies.$2rbgenr
          655-7$aPhotograph albums.$2gmgpc 

  1. TGM II has been approved for rare book and special materials cataloging by the Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association. Go Back

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(July 10, 2004)