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Outdoor Recreation Programs

CSREES is partnering with West Virginia University to initiate a strategic planning process to strengthen the agency's outdoor recreation research, education, and extension programs for the 21st century.  This comprehensive process will examine demographic, economic, ecological, and other societal changes that affect outdoor recreation participation, which promotes human health and rural economic sustainability, and improves quality of life. 

A 30-person steering committee representing a multidisciplinary cross-section of expertise from land-grant universities and federal agencies is participating in the planning.  Broader stakeholder input will be generated from roundtable discussions conducted in the future at various professional meetings (Northeast Recreation Research Symposium, International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, and Society of American Foresters), and from using other venues, such as Web casts. A draft 5-year plan identifying strategic directions is available. A CSREES strategic planning publication presents three sustainable outdoor recreation themes that strengthen the connection of people with nature, leading to healthier people, resources,

and communities. 

Steering committee members:

  • Djime Adoum, CSREES Planning & Accountability
  • Catalino Blanche, co-team leader, CSREES Natural Resources & Environment
  • Frank Boteler, CSREES deputy administrator, Economic & Community Systems
  • Perry Brown, University of Montana
  • Linda Caldwell, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Wen-Huei Chang, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Nathan Caldwell , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin
  • John Dennis, National Park Service
  • Diana Augie, National Institutes of Health
  • Jim Falk, University of Delaware
  • Jim Gramann, Texas A&M University and National Park Service
  • Hal Hallett, Bureau of Land Management
  • Anne Hoover, USDA Forest Service
  • Bill Hammit, Clemson University
  • Fen Hunt, Team Leader, CSREES Economic and Community Systems
  • Linda Kruger, USDA Forest Service
  • Jessica Leahy, University of Maine
  • Maureen McDonough, Michigan State University
  • David McGranahan, USDA Economic Research Service
  • Chad Pierskalla , West Virginia University
  • Dennis Propst, Michigan State University
  • Richard Reeder, USDA Economic Research Service
  • Randy Rosenberger, Oregon State University
  • Ingrid Schneider, University of Minnesota
  • Steve Selin, co-team leader, West Virginia University
  • Randy Simmons, Utah State University
  • Kate Thompson, West Virginia University
  • Bruce Weber, Oregon State University
  • Doug Wellman, North Carolina State University

For more information, contact Fen Hunt


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Last Updated: 06/17/2008