Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Role of accessory cell molecules in dendritic cell-dependent HIV-replication.
Role of ADF/human thioredoxin in cystine transport: possible application of ADF/thioredoxin and NAC in AIDS.
Role of adhesion molecules in HIV neutralization.
Role of alternative medicine in HIV infection.
Role of an Electronic Scannable Antimicrobial Order Form in the Analysis of Prescribing Patterns in an Intensive Care Unit.
Role of Anethole Dithiolethione (ADT) to Protect against Tenotoxicity Induced by Fluoroquinolones.
Role of Animal Studies in Vaccine Evaluation.
Role of anti retroviral treatment (ART) in coping with HIV/AIDS.
Role of anti-Fab autoantibodies in HIV-infected hemophilia patients.
Role of antibodies, cytokines, and virus variation in SIV/SMM induced disease.
Role of Antifungal Binding in Fluconazole Resistance of Candida albicans Biofilms.
Role of antiretroviral drug combinations and/or cytokines on the altered adipocyte viability as a model of HAART-induced lipodystrophy.
Role of Baseline HIV Genotype as Predictor of Viral Response to Tenofovir (TDF) in Heavily Pre-Treated Patients.
Role of Bcl-2 and Bax expression in the genesis of programmed cell death (PCD) in CD4+ and CD8+ cells from HIV patients (pts).
Role of beliefs and attitudes in formation of intentions to prescribe statins according to clinical guidelines.
Role of beta-2 microglobulin, HLA I and HLA II DR in protection of macaques from infection by SIV grown in HuT 78 cells.
Role of beta-chemokines and chemokine receptor on HIV rgp120-induced B lymphocyte function.
Role of beta-chemokines in protective immunity against intrarectal SIVsm challenge of macaques.
Role of blood & blood products transfusion in HIV transmission.
Role of Ca(++)-dependent and Ca(++)-independent protein kinase C isozymes on activation of HIV-1.
Role of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases in mediating light-regulated root gravitropism.
Role of Capsules in Local and Systemic Inflammatory Responses of Mice after Pulmonary Infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Role of carbohydrate (CHO) residues of HIV-1 gp120 in its binding to antibody.
Role of caspase 1 and caspase 8 in HIV infected patients with and without tuberculosis.
Role of CCR5 chemokine receptor gene in vertical HIV-1 transmission and disease progression.
Role of CCR5 delta 32 and CCR2-64i heterozygosities in the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection.
Role of CCR5-32bp heterozygosity in susceptibility for HIV-1 infection and AIDS free survival.
Role of CCR5-delta32, CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A alleles in a population of HIV-1 patients with known date of seroconversion.
Role of CD4 in FCR-mediated infection of monocytic cells.