Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Role of T-tropic HIV-1 V3 loop in viral entry into cells analyzed with 3 different anti-CXCR-4 monoclonal antibodies.
Role of Tat and cellular factors in HIV-1 expression.
Role of Teichoic Acid Structure In Susceptibility to Glycopeptide Antibiotics.
Role of TGF-[beta]1 in the immunological response secondary to HAART treatment.
Role of the 14-3-3 protein (Bmh1p) in Candida albicans.
Role of the anti-venereal health center in the management of STD in Martinique.
Role of the antigen 85 complex in the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Role of the CDK7 kinase in regulating HIV-1 replication.
Role of the CDR3 region of CD4 in HIV-1 infection and cytopathogenesis defined by human- and chimpanzee-based CD4 synthetic peptides.
Role of the Church in Spiritual counseling-Uganda's experience.
Role of the Collectins in Innate Defense of the Lung.
Role of the Commensal Flora in the Spread of Bacterial Resistance.
Role of the community college: policy, education and service.
Role of the determination of plasma levels of indinavir to predict the virologic failure.
Role of the Disulfide Bridge between Cys 69 and Cys 238 in the Hydrolysis of Carbapenems by Class A Beta-Lactamases.
Role of the European Community in health care in Europe. Now and in the future.
Role of the first and second variable regions of HIV-1 gp120 in functional envelope interactions.
Role of the HIV-1 vpu protein in viral replication: effects on cell surface expression of the envelope glycoprotein.
Role of the HIV-A nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) and the A-rich loop in cell-free reverse transcriptase and infectivity assays.
Role of the htrA Gene in Klebsiella pneumoniae Virulence.
Role of the Il-2 receptor in the mechanisms accounting for T cell alveolitis in the lung of HIV-1 patients.
Role of the lentivirus Vpu gene in virus replication.
Role of the leukocyte function antigen-1 conformational state in the process of HIV-1-mediate syncytium formation and virus infection.
Role of the LFA-1/ICAM-1/2 pathway of cell adhesion in HIV infection.
Role of the M184V Mutation in Triple Therapy with ZDV, 3TC and Abacavir (ABC).
Role of the media in fostering community commitment on the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS.
Role of the NGO's in behaviour change communication in sexual health interventions in India-an evaluation study.
Role of the pre and post HIV test support services (Moving on Clubs) and PLWA's In HIV care.
Role of the private sector in the globa response to HIV/AIDS: rationale, prioties and actions.
Role of the protease-cleavage site in HIV-1 Nef.