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North Little Rock Data
Not sure what the climatological normals and records are for North Little Rock? Look below...
August Normals/Records
        NORMALS             RECORDS            RAIN
Date  High Low Avg   High Year  Low Year   Daily  Annual    Sunrise  Sunset
                                                            (Standard Time)
01     94  73  84     103 2008*  65 1984    .10    28.71    518 AM   711 PM
02     94  73  84     103 2008*  65 1984    .10    28.81    519 AM   711 PM
03     94  73  84     104 2008   65 1984    .09    28.90    520 AM   710 PM
04     94  73  84     100 2000*  67 1992*   .09    28.99    521 AM   709 PM
05     94  73  83     101 2000   65 1986    .09    29.08    521 AM   708 PM
06     94  73  83     102 2000   63 1994    .09    29.17    522 AM   707 PM
07     94  73  83     102 2000   62 2004*   .09    29.26    523 AM   706 PM
08     94  73  83     101 2000   57 1989    .09    29.35    524 AM   705 PM
09     94  73  83     102 2000   61 1989    .09    29.44    524 AM   704 PM
10     94  72  83     104 2000   64 1989    .09    29.53    525 AM   703 PM
11     94  72  83     105 1999   64 1989    .09    29.62    526 AM   702 PM
12     94  72  83     105 2007   60 1979    .09    29.71    527 AM   701 PM
13     93  72  83     105 1999   58 2004    .09    29.80    527 AM   659 PM
14     93  72  83     104 2007   59 2004    .09    29.89    528 AM   658 PM
15     93  72  83     104 2007   59 1992    .09    29.98    529 AM   657 PM
16     93  72  82     106 2000   56 1992    .09    30.07    530 AM   656 PM
17     93  72  82     106 2000   57 1992    .09    30.16    530 AM   655 PM
18     93  71  82     103 2000   62 1992    .09    30.25    531 AM   654 PM
19     93  71  82     104 1999   64 1981    .10    30.35    532 AM   653 PM
20     92  71  82     102 1980   64 1991    .10    30.45    533 AM   651 PM
21     92  71  82     104 1980   64 1992    .10    30.55    533 AM   650 PM
22     92  71  81     105 2000   64 1997    .10    30.65    534 AM   649 PM
23     92  71  81     102 2000   64 1997    .10    30.75    535 AM   648 PM
24     91  70  81     100 2003*  63 1984    .10    30.85    536 AM   646 PM
25     91  70  81     104 2000   64 1984    .10    30.95    536 AM   645 PM
26     91  70  81     106 2000   63 1985    .10    31.05    537 AM   644 PM
27     91  70  80     105 2000   63 1992    .10    31.15    538 AM   642 PM
28     90  70  80     106 2000   58 1986    .10    31.25    539 AM   641 PM
29     90  70  80     109 2000   53 1986    .11    31.36    539 AM   640 PM
30     90  69  80     111 2000   58 1986    .11    31.47    540 AM   638 PM
31     90  69  79     108 2000   59 1988    .11    31.58    541 AM   637 PM
  August Average High :  92.6            * = and Previous Years
  August Average Low  :  71.5            ! = all-time record high
  August Average      :  82.1
  August Average Rain :  2.97


National Weather Service
Little Rock Weather Forecast Office
Page last modified: 11 September, 2008


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