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About the Bus

The ENERGY STAR Change a Light Bus is being provided by Motor Coach Industries (MCI) and is powered by a 2007 EPA-model clean diesel engine, which runs on ultra-low sulfur diesel. The engine is fitted with a particulate scrubber, which means that it does not allow particulate matter or nitrogen oxide to escape from the tailpipe. The bus itself is a reminder that one way we can each reduce our impact on the climate is through taking public transportation when we can.

About the Traveling Education Center

The interactive education center is co-sponsored by JCPenney, 2007 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Energy Management, and is designed to demonstrate how important our lighting choices are as a first step toward saving energy and helping to fight global climate change.

Visitors to the education center will experience first-hand the wide variety of ENERGY STAR qualified light bulbs and fixtures available today, learn how to choose the right light for the right place in their home, and discover how and where to dispose of compact fluorescent lighting responsibly at end-of-life. Interactive displays will also help convey the concept of energy efficiency and how our personal energy use is related to greenhouse gas emissions.

After walking through the educational components of the center, visitors will be invited to commit to change at least one light at home via the online ENERGY STAR Change a Light Pledge. This public commitment serves as a starting place to saving energy, which we hope will inspire individuals to take even larger energy-saving steps at home and on the road to reduce their share of the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global climate change.

Bus Tour Map

bus tour map

ENERGY STAR Change a Light Bus Tour

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