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» Majority Leader Hoyer on Raising the Minimum Wage, January 10, 2007
...I believe it will pass this house today with broad bipartisan support, as the 9/11 bill did yesterday...
» Leader Hoyer on Enacting the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, January 09, 2007
Mr. Speaker, it is no mere coincidence that this legislation – which will implement recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission – is designated as House Resolution Number One in this new Congress....
» Majority Leader Hoyer on Fox News Discussing the Democrats' 100 Hour Agenda, January 04, 2007
Hoyer goes over the 6 for '06...
» Leader Hoyer on MSNBC's Hardball on the New Democratic Congress, January 03, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer is the guest of Chris Matthews...
» Leader Hoyer on the Democrats First 100 Hour Agenda on ABC News, January 03, 2007
the Democrats agenda as they take control of Congress...
» Hoyer on his Election as Majority Leader on CNN's "The Situation Room", November 16, 2006
Wolf Blitzer interviews the new House Majority Leader....
» Hoyer on MSNBC's "Hardball" on Being Elected the House Majority Leader, November 16, 2006
Chris Matthews interviews the new House Majority Leader...
» Hoyer on MSNBC on the New Democratic Majority and the Leadership Election, November 09, 2006
Democratic Whip Hoyer discusses being invited to the White House, and the priorities of the new Democratic Majority...
» Whip Hoyer on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, October 05, 2006
Hoyer on the Foley scandal, and the Republican's lack of accountability...
» Steny Hoyer, Charles Rangel, and Dick Armey on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company", September 22, 2006
discussing the need for bi-partisanship in Congress, the Democratic economic plan, Hugo Chavez, and other issues...
» Republican's Attempt to Disenfranchise Large Numbers of Legal Voters, September 20, 2006
...it's unconstitutional because it undermines the ability of americans to vote...
» Whip Hoyer on the Do-Less-Than-Do-Nothing Congress, September 07, 2006
This is about politics not policy. The policy I'm going to support. This is about politics. it's about the election of one member in a very hotly contested race in New York...
» Whip Hoyer with Democratic Senators on the Failed Republican National Security Policies, September 05, 2006
Republicans have dubbed this month 'Security September,' in an openly cynical attempt to use our nation's security in a political gamble to save their Congressional majority...
» Whip Hoyer on News Channel 8's "Newstalk", August 01, 2006
Hoyer discusses the Middle East, Energy, Minimum Wage, and more.
» Discussing Housing Rescue Bill on MyFox, July 30, 2006
The crumbling economy is forcing congress to act! The bill will offer billions in bailout money for families facing foreclosure. But it's going to cost every taxpayer in the country...
» Whip Hoyer on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company", July 26, 2006
Hoyer on his new PROGRESS Act for Energy Independence...
» Whip Hoyer on ABC's Capital Sunday with Leon Harris, July 23, 2006
Hoyer speaks on the crisis in the Middle East, Bush's stem-cell veto, and Hoyer's new energy independence proposal...
» Whip Steny Hoyer on Renewing the Voting Rights Act, July 13, 2006
...while our nation has made tremendous strides in its ongoing quest to guarantee the ideals of our Constitution, the specter of discrimination still haunts us and our people...
» Whip Hoyer Demands Increasing the Minimum Wage, July 12, 2006
...we ought to pay you a decent, fair wage for working hard and playing by the rules...
» Hoyer Test-Drives a Hydrogen Car Before Introducing His Energy Bill, July 10, 2006
Hoyer test-drives a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car in Bowie, MD on the same week he will introduce his new Comprehensive Energy Bill...
» Whip Hoyer Speaks Out Against Republican's Attempt to Eliminate the Estate Tax, June 22, 2006
...this Republican Majority has repeatedly pushed tax legislation that was blatantly unfair, grossly irresponsible, and fiscally ruinous...
» Held Foreclosure Prevention Workshop in Waldorf, May 12, 2006
Some maryland homeowners had a chance to find out how they can avoid foreclosure...
» Hoyer on his Amendment to Advance Alternative Fuels in the Military, May 11, 2006
...I want to express my deep disappointment that the rules committee declined to make my amendment concerning one of the most vital national security issues facing our nation, our continued dependence on foreign sources of oil, in order...
» Whip Hoyer on the Republicans Once Again Giving the Wealthy a Tax Cut While Increasing Our Debt, May 10, 2006
...this blatantly unfair and grossly irresponsible legislation represents the last gasp of the republican party's failed economic policy...
» Hoyer on the Republican So-Called Lobbying Reform Bill, May 03, 2006
...who do our Republican friends believe they're fooling, with this so-called lobbying reform bill? I submit, not a soul....


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