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OSHA News Release
2002 - 08/28/2002 - OSHA Signs Partnership To Promote Safe and Healthful Rehabilitation Facilities in Illinois

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Region 5 News Release V-321
Date: August 28, 2002
Contact: Juan Solano
Phone: (312) 353-6976

OSHA Signs Partnership To Promote Safe and Healthful
Rehabilitation Facilities in Illinois

AURORA, Ill. -- A partnership to promote safe and healthful working conditions in rehabilitation facilities has been agreed to by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a state of Illinois safety agency, the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (IARF) and the Center for Individual and Organizational Development (ICAN).

The partnership agreement was signed in Springfield on Thursday, Aug. 22. The alliance includes representatives from the On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.

"This partnership is a major step in ensuring the safety and health of many workers in the state of Illinois. We look forward to working closely with our partners who have placed a priority in protecting workers," said OSHA Regional Administrator Michael G. Connors.

The partnership will provide information and guidance to member facilities that will help enhance employee safety programs, including information on ways to minimize hazards from lifting and repetitive tasks, bloodborne pathogens, and other safety hazards.

The Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities has nearly 150 member agencies in the state of Illinois. The agencies provide life skills training to people with physical, mental, behavioral, developmental, and other disabilities and help them learn trades and get jobs.

The partnership members will work together to develop seminars addressing specific safety and health issues in rehabilitation facilities and encourage IARF members' participation in cooperative programs such as OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) and the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).

A team of representatives from the agencies will meet regularly to develop an action plan, set goals and objectives, and track their progress. The partnership will remain in effect for one year and is renewable.


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