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Press Releases

October 30, 2003  
WASHINGTON - Seven Connecticut fire departments will receive a total of $380,591 in federal grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman announced today. Fire departments in Jewett City, Marlborough, Colchester, Milford, Monroe, Fairfield, and Newtown will get funds for new equipment and safety and training programs.

“Connecticut firefighters often are the first on the scene of a catastrophe. They shouldn’t be last when it comes to getting critically important resources,” said Dodd. “Thankfully this assistance - while only a start - can begin to address those tremendous shortcomings and provide our firefighters with the help they need and deserve.”

“Connecticut fire fighters put their lives on the line every day for the rest of us,” said Lieberman. “The least we can do is make sure they have the training and equipment they need to do their job right. This grant is a good beginning toward ensuring that first responders are as prepared as they can possibly be.”

DHS will award the money as part of the Assistance for Fire Fighters Grant Program, administered by the U.S. Fire Administration. The funds will be used for fire fighter health and safety programs, new fire fighting apparatuses, Emergency Medical Service programs, and Fire Prevention and Safety Programs.

The following fire stations will receive grant awards:

  • A.A. Young Jr. House and Ladder Co. #1 Inc. $102,375
  • Marlborough Volunteer Fire Company $29,915
  • Town of Colchester $45,000
  • Milford Fire-Rescue Department $76,300
  • Stepney Volunteer Fire Department $63,317
  • Southport Volunteer Fire Department $23,467
  • Newtown Hook and Ladder Co. #1 Inc. $80,717

    The awards were made possible by the FIRE Act of 2000, a law authored by Dodd and co-sponsored by Lieberman that gives local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment, hire new personnel, and initiate education and training programs. Since the FIRE Act was enacted, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now a part of DHS, has distributed more than 11,500 grants for a total of more than $750 million to help fire departments across the country strengthen their response capabilities.
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    Washington, D.C. 20510