
Dear Winner…

Warning regarding an e-mail on-line lottery fraud. You may or may not have seen this but the contents are as follows:

Dear Winner, This Email is to inform you that you emerged a winner of £552,000,00 on our online draws which was played on the 10th of March, 2007 YOUR WINNING DETAILS REFERENCE NUMBER:UK/839030X2/14 BATCH NUMBER:065/088/XY24 TICKET NUMBER:023-1111-790-458. To begin your claim, do file for the release of your winning by contacting our fiduciary agent using the details as given below: Barrister Henry Price Esq. Fiduciary/ Claims Agent. Email inquiry: ukfiduciaryagent_claims@yahoo.co.uk Yours Truly, Sir. Steven Smith Co-ordinator (Online Promo Co-Ordinator) Online Lottery.

After receiving this e-mail, I did some research and found this fraud listed in a blog almost word for word, including the winning ticket number. The only difference was the winning draw date.

Thanks for your website, you provide a terrific service.

A.D., CA