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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Definitions. - 70.2

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 70
• Part Title: Production or Disclosure of Information or Materials
• Subpart: A
• Subpart Title: General
• Standard Number: 70.2
• Title: Definitions.

As used in this part:
The terms agency, person, party, rule, order, and adjudication have the meaning attributed to these terms by the definitions in 5 U.S.C. 551.
Component means each separate bureau, office, board, division, commission, service or administration of the Department of Labor.
Disclosure officer means an official of a component who has authority to disclose or withhold records under the FOIA and to whom requests to inspect or copy records in his/her custody should be addressed. Department of Labor disclosure officers are listed in Appendix A to this part.
The Secretary means the Secretary of Labor.
The Department means the Department of Labor.
Request means any written request for records made pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3) and which meets the requirements of this Part.
Requester means any person who makes a request.
Record means information in any format, including electronic format.
Search means to seek, manually or by automated means, Department records for the purpose of locating records in response to a request.
Business information means commercial or financial information received or obtained by the Department from a submitter, directly or indirectly, that arguably may be protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the FOIA.
Submitter means any person or entity from whom the Department receives or obtains commercial or financial information, directly or indirectly. The term submitter includes, but is not limited to corporations, labor organizations, non-profit organizations, and local, state, tribal and foreign governments.

[71 FR 30764, May 30, 2006]

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